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Europe: Dairy Products Prices Overview

This page contains three tables:
  • the first table shows the prices of different types of SMP recorded over the last weeks;
  • the second table shows the monthly average prices of different types of SMP over the last two years;
  • the last table shows the yearly average prices of different types of SMP.
Within each table, it is possible to access a product's in-depth page by clicking on its name.
Country Product Local Currency
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder (for animal feed) € / 100 Kg
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder ADPI-Extra € / 100 Kg
Germany Magermilchpulver ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver Sprühware, lose € / ton
Poland Mleko w proszku (25 kg) PLN / kg
France Poudre 0% Consommation Humaine € / ton
2024 - settimana n°
46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36
- - 244 0,00% 244 +0,83% 242 -0,82% 244 -1,21% 247 -1,98% 252 -2,70% 259 0,00% 259 +1,17% 256 +1,59% 252 +2,86%
- - 255 +2,82% 248 0,00% 248 0,00% 248 -1,59% 252 0,00% 252 -2,33% 258 -0,77% 260 +1,17% 257 +1,58% 253 +2,85%
- - 2.480 | 2.580 +1,20% 2.450 | 2.550 -0,99% 2.480 | 2.570 -0,39% 2.480 | 2.590 -0,98% 2.500 | 2.620 -0,97% 2.500 | 2.670 -0,96% 2.550 | 2.670 0,00% 2.550 | 2.670 -0,57% 2.550 | 2.700 +1,55% 2.500 | 2.670 +2,78%
- - 2.330 | 2.370 +1,29% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 -3,33% 2.380 | 2.420 -2,83% 2.450 | 2.490 0,00% 2.450 | 2.490 +1,23% 2.420 | 2.460 +1,67% 2.380 | 2.420 +4,35%
- - - - 10,30 -1,90% 10,50 -2,14% 10,73 +1,42% 10,58 -3,56% 10,97 -1,26% 11,11 +2,89% 10,80 +4,73% 10,31 -2,55% 10,58 -1,40%
- - - - 2.446 +0,08% 2.444 +1,16% 2.416 +1,00% 2.392 -5,64% 2.535 -3,54% 2.628 -0,11% 2.631 +0,53% 2.617 +2,03% 2.565 +3,64%
Last Update: 2024-11-11
NOTE: Quotations have a pre-determined frequency. If case of more than one quotation in the same week, the table shows the arithmetic mean.
SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; France: France AgriMer; The Netherlands: Productschap Zuivel; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi;
Country Product Currency
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder (for animal feed) € / ton
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver Sprühware, lose € / ton
Poland Mleko w proszku (25 kg) € / ton
France Poudre 0% Consommation Humaine € / ton
2024 - settimana n°
46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36
- - 2.440 0,00% 2.440 +0,83% 2.420 -0,82% 2.440 -1,21% 2.470 -1,98% 2.520 -2,70% 2.590 0,00% 2.590 +1,17% 2.560 +1,59% 2.520 +2,86%
- - 2.550 +2,82% 2.480 0,00% 2.480 0,00% 2.480 -1,59% 2.520 0,00% 2.520 -2,33% 2.580 -0,77% 2.600 +1,17% 2.570 +1,58% 2.530 +2,85%
- - 2.480 | 2.580 +1,20% 2.450 | 2.550 -0,99% 2.480 | 2.570 -0,39% 2.480 | 2.590 -0,98% 2.500 | 2.620 -0,97% 2.500 | 2.670 -0,96% 2.550 | 2.670 0,00% 2.550 | 2.670 -0,57% 2.550 | 2.700 +1,55% 2.500 | 2.670 +2,78%
- - 2.330 | 2.370 +1,29% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 0,00% 2.300 | 2.340 -3,33% 2.380 | 2.420 -2,83% 2.450 | 2.490 0,00% 2.450 | 2.490 +1,23% 2.420 | 2.460 +1,67% 2.380 | 2.420 +4,35%
- - - - 2.365 -2,05% 2.415 -3,03% 2.490 +0,98% 2.466 -3,00% 2.543 -2,19% 2.600 +2,95% 2.525 +5,06% 2.403 -2,77% 2.472 -1,48%
- - - - 2.446 +0,08% 2.444 +1,16% 2.416 +1,00% 2.392 -5,64% 2.535 -3,54% 2.628 -0,11% 2.631 +0,53% 2.617 +2,03% 2.565 +3,64%
Last Update: 2024-11-11
NOTE: Quotations have a pre-determined frequency. If case of more than one quotation in the same week, the table shows the arithmetic mean.
SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; France: France AgriMer; The Netherlands: Productschap Zuivel; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi;
Country Product Local currency
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder (for animal feed) € / 100 Kg
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder ADPI-Extra € / 100 Kg
Germany Magermilchpulver ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver Sprühware, lose € / ton
Poland Mleko w proszku (25 kg) PLN / kg
France Poudre 0% Consommation Humaine € / ton
2024 2023
Nov ± on Nov '23 Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
244 -3,94% 246 257 238 232 233 226 221 225 239 243 254 254 246 219 211 212 223 226 219 235 230 247
255 -0,93% 250 257 240 235 245 241 234 233 244 248 255 257 250 220 219 223 245 241 230 251 248 265
2.530 -6,86% 2.541 2.608 2.441 2.385 2.485 2.419 2.374 2.466 2.543 2.576 2.703 2.716 2.551 2.265 2.271 2.385 2.500 2.428 2.408 2.610 2.540 2.709
2.350 -4,95% 2.336 2.445 2.233 2.188 2.235 2.201 2.175 2.225 2.334 2.402 2.480 2.473 2.439 2.106 2.074 2.070 2.170 2.170 2.155 2.297 2.335 2.401
10,30 -9,77% 10,70 10,71 10,69 10,27 10,32 10,30 10,75 11,12 11,36 11,64 11,35 11,42 11,15 11,15 11,03 11,16 11,41 11,57 11,84 12,34 12,22 13,64
2.446 -7,62% 2.447 2.610 2.429 2.349 2.478 2.424 2.396 2.391 2.474 2.513 2.636 2.648 2.579 2.272 2.216 2.341 2.550 2.428 2.374 2.545 2.489 2.641
Last Update: 2024-11-06

SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; France: France AgriMer; The Netherlands: Productschap Zuivel; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi;
Country Product currency
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder (for animal feed) € / ton
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver ADPI-Extra € / ton
Germany Magermilchpulver Sprühware, lose € / ton
Poland Mleko w proszku (25 kg) € / ton
France Poudre 0% Consommation Humaine € / ton
2024 2023
Nov ± on Nov '23 Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2.440 -3,94% 2.458 2.565 2.383 2.318 2.330 2.262 2.205 2.245 2.390 2.434 2.535 2.540 2.460 2.190 2.114 2.120 2.225 2.260 2.193 2.346 2.303 2.465
2.550 -0,93% 2.496 2.570 2.400 2.352 2.448 2.410 2.338 2.330 2.435 2.476 2.548 2.574 2.495 2.203 2.192 2.230 2.450 2.414 2.300 2.510 2.480 2.645
2.530 -6,86% 2.541 2.608 2.441 2.385 2.485 2.419 2.374 2.466 2.543 2.576 2.703 2.716 2.551 2.265 2.271 2.385 2.500 2.428 2.408 2.610 2.540 2.709
2.350 -4,95% 2.336 2.445 2.233 2.188 2.235 2.201 2.175 2.225 2.334 2.402 2.480 2.473 2.439 2.106 2.074 2.070 2.170 2.170 2.155 2.297 2.335 2.401
2.365 -8,75% 2.479 2.502 2.499 2.404 2.393 2.404 2.505 2.581 2.628 2.667 2.620 2.592 2.446 2.435 2.475 2.508 2.557 2.544 2.545 2.628 2.576 2.904
2.446 -7,62% 2.447 2.610 2.429 2.349 2.478 2.424 2.396 2.391 2.474 2.513 2.636 2.648 2.579 2.272 2.216 2.341 2.550 2.428 2.374 2.545 2.489 2.641
Last Update: 2024-11-06

SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; France: France AgriMer; The Netherlands: Productschap Zuivel; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi;
Country Product Currency 2024 ± on '23 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder (for animal feed)   € / ton   2.362 +2,1% 2.313 3.539 2.598 2.086 1.953 1.321 1.643 1.655
The Netherlands Mager melkpoeder ADPI-Extra   € / ton   2.429 +0,4% 2.420 3.637 2.652 2.194 2.126 1.491 1.746 1.797
Germany Magermilchpulver ADPI-Extra   € / ton   2.483 -0,6% 2.499 3.774 2.664 2.234 2.144 1.513 1.788 1.811
Germany Magermilchpulver Sprühware, lose   € / ton   2.279 +1,1% 2.255 3.526 2.562 2.059 1.943 1.302 1.669 1.637
Poland Mleko w proszku (25 kg)   € / ton   2.502 -2,8% 2.573 3.654 2.493 2.141 1.973 1.398 1.771 1.687
France Poudre 0% Consommation Humaine   € / ton   2.450 -0,9% 2.471 3.676 2.627 2.222 2.142 1.504 1.747 1.814
Last Update: 2024-11-06
SOURCES: The Netherlands: Productschap Zuivel; Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; France: France AgriMer;