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Europe 2021

The interactive Map of the European Union below shows the milk self-sufficiency rate and other key information with breakdown by region: “Central Europe”, “Southern Europe”, “Eastern Europe” and “Baltics and Nordics”.

Click on the country of your interest for detailed information.

The chart show, for each month, the milk production in that month plus the production of the previous 11 months. With this method is always considered the total production in a time window of 12 months, so it is possible to identify the trend without the effect of seasonality.
Years: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
EU-27: 118,3%

(Click here to see the detail)





Milk deliveries (Ton) 86.325.611 21.006.335 23.497.272 13.658.670
     % Deliveries on Total EU-27 deliveries 59,75% 14,54% 16,26% 9,45%
Import (Ton ME)* 10.861.884 4.977.021 12.526.115 2.498.567
Export (Ton ME)* 31.896.580 6.414.861 6.967.674 6.215.130
     % Export in ME on milk deliveries 36,95% 30,54% 29,65% 45,50%
Domestic use incl. stock (Ton ME)** 65.290.915 19.568.494 29.055.713 9.942.107
Area (Km2) 1.171.331 959.700 1.040.324 1.006.651
Population 193.718.000 95.885.000 130.277.000 27.826.000
Densiy (population/km²) 165 100 125 28
* Import/Export in milk equivalent (ME) of liquid milk, yogurt, condensed milk, Cheese, SMP, WMP. The data doesn't include exchanges between countries in the same area.
** Domestic use in milk equivalent (ME) including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import in ME - Export in ME

Conversion coefficients in milk equivalent (ME):
- 1 kg of liquid milk = 1 kg of ME
- 1 kg of yogurt = 1,10 kg of ME
- 1 kg of condensed milk = 2,00 kg of ME
- 1 kg of cheese = 8,50 kg of ME
- 1 kg of SMP = 10,72 kg of ME
- 1 kg of WMP = 7,81 kg of ME
- The yield of butter and cream is 0 because their Milk Equivalent is already included in SMP.

The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.

Source Milk deliveries, N° of cows: Eurostat
           Import/Export: Eurostat
           Population: FAO
           Area: Wikipedia
N° dairy farms - EU-27
  2005 2007 2010 2013 2016 2020 ±% on 2016 ±% on 2005
EASTERN EUROPE 2.070.280 1.882.350 1.209.810 1.016.910 799.360 528.770 -33,85% -74,46%
CENTRAL EUROPE 332.300 303.890 270.630 260.160 214.320 181.550 -15.29% -45.37%
SOUTHERN EUROPE 129.460 122.040 98.200 77.280 86.620 62.170 -28.23% -51.98%
BALTICS and NORDICS 263.050 199.800 140.380 109.100 90.700 53.680 -40.82% -79.59%
TOTAL 2.795.090 2.508.080 1.719.020 1.463.450 1.191.000 826.170 -30.63% -70.44%
Source: Eurostat
  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Milk deliveries ('000 Ton) 127.034 127.902 133.342 136.802 138.116 140.556 141.850 142.566 144.902 144.488 144.638 144.709
Import extra EU in ME ('000 Ton) 2.365 2.423 2.861 3.116 3.117 3.326 3.422 3.619 3.301 2.796 2.961 2.856
Export extra EU in ME ('000 Ton) 20.755 19.885 21.793 22.666 22.076 24.784 24.609 26.442 26.038 25.156 22.905 24.306
Domestic use incl. stock ('000 Ton) 108.644 110.440 114.411 117.252 119.157 119.099 120.663 119.743 122.166 122.127 124.694 123.259
± % domestic use incl. stock - +1,65% +3,60% +2,48% +1,62% -0,05% +1,31% -0,76% +2,02% -0,03% +2,10% -1,15%
Self-sufficiency milk EU 116,9% 115,8% 116,5% 116,7% 115,9% 118,0% 117,6% 119,1% 118,6% 118,3% 116,0% 117,4%

Delivery of cow's milk: Eurostat source
Domestic use including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import extra EU in ME - Export extra EU in ME
The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.