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EU-27: Butter production

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This page contains the European Butter production data, both in tables and charts.

The table offers as well the possibility to:

  • consult the monthly volumes and changes, by clicking on the years in the column headers,
  • access to the DairySheets by clicking on the names of the Member States of the EU.

The charts display:

  • a breakdown of the Butter production by Member States
  • the monthly and average daily Butter production,
  • the year-over-year changes of Butter production in the major EU Players,
  • the yearly Butter production of the last seven years,
  • the Butter production with rolling year

The balance sheet of Butter completes the information.

From the Eurostat Handbook: definition of "Butter"

A product with a milk fat content of not less than 80 % and less than 90 %, a maximum water content of 16 % and a maximum dry non-fat milk-material content of 2 %. Includes also butter which contains small amounts of herbs, spices, aromatic substances, etc. on the condition that the product retains the characteristics of butter.

UE-27: Production of Butter (Tons)
COUNTRY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Var %
Austria 36.540 38.110 36.670 34.380 33.460 31.180 -6,8%
Belgium 111.960 122.590 109.650 107.830 119.810 128.280 +7,1%
Bulgaria 1.060 1.030 1.040 1.190 1.060 960 -9,4%
Croatia 4.580 5.040 4.520 4.750 3.730 3.920 +5,1%
Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Czech Republic 26.170 26.950 25.780 25.330 24.470 25.960 +6,1%
Denmark 74.700 72.700 81.500 85.100 95.900 87.600 -8,7%
Estonia 5.200 5.000 3.900 4.400 4.600 3.600 -21,7%
Finland 60.900 62.690 58.750 57.040 57.880 57.320 -1,0%
France 414.230 413.100 407.620 408.630 403.580 398.630 -1,2%
Germany 497.104 506.436 471.057 472.574 480.466 480.954 +0,1%
Greece 1.200 1.450 1.660 2.160 2.360 2.150 -8,9%
Hungary 8.630 9.200 9.230 9.280 8.450 12.130 +43,6%
Ireland 251.070 264.720 275.600 269.190 273.150 267.570 -2,0%
Italy 96.200 94.010 98.470 100.510 98.510 104.860 +6,4%
Latvia 3.280 3.370 3.100 2.580 3.200 3.250 +1,6%
Lithuania 14.430 15.050 10.750 11.110 13.990 12.200 -12,8%
Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Malta 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Netherlands 136.400 133.500 137.700 138.300 125.500 118.900 -5,3%
Poland 224.610 243.300 231.410 243.070 264.450 257.580 -2,6%
Portugal 30.490 31.820 30.730 27.450 31.520 32.020 +1,6%
Romania 10.670 12.170 11.190 10.480 10.970 11.950 +8,9%
Slovakia 9.900 11.050 10.610 10.330 9.180 9.560 +4,1%
Slovenia 2.560 2.620 2.470 2.260 2.250 2.290 +1,8%
Spain 45.679 43.500 34.070 25.470 19.850 16.000 -19,4%
Sweden 17.170 17.510 17.950 20.060 22.480 20.680 -8,0%
TOTAL EU-27 2.084.733 2.136.916 2.075.427 2.073.474 2.110.816 2.089.544 -1,0%
y-o-y % +2,5% -2,9% -0,1% +1,8% -1,0%  
(c) confidential data
NOTE:The countries highlighted in yellow indicate the presence of some confidential data which are not considered in the total calculation of productions.

Source: Eurostat, BLE, ISTAT, Stimato CLAL

Rolling year: for each month the chart visualizes the production in that month plus the production of the previous 11 months. With this method is always considered the total production in a time window of 12 months, so it is possible to identify the trend without the effect of seasonality.

UE-27 Balance Sheet: Butter
'000 tons 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Aug 2024
Opening Stocks (1st Jan) (SI) 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Production [D6000] (P) 1.991 2.030 2.085 2.137 2.075 2.073 2.111 1.431
Production of other fat dairy products [D6900] (P2) 217(e) 209(e) 204(e) 210(e) 182(e) 211(e) 175(e) n.d.
Imports (I) 57 69 73 48 47 69 53 22
Exports (E) 253 244 297 312 263 255 289 183
Final Stocks (SF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   of which:
     - public 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
     - private 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Apparent Domestic Consumption (SI + P + P2 + I - E - SF ) 2.037 2.065 2.065 2.083 2.042 2.098 2.051 1.270
NOTE: Other Yellow Fat Dairy Products [D6900] production data of some Member States are confidential and are NOT included in this table.
(e): estimated; n.a.: not available
Sources: Production, Import/Export: Eurostat; Stock (Public + Private): European Commission; Apparent Domestic Consumption: Processed by CLAL