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Global Export to OPEC

On this page of consultation and study you can follow the flow of total export of SMP, WMP, butter, cheese, whey powder, liquid milk, condensed milk, yogurt, cream, infant milk formula and FFMP to OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) members.

The chart below shows the total exports to OPEC, broken down by product, for the current year compared with the same period of the previous years.

The table below shows the year-to-date values of:
  • average price of oil;
  • average price of whole milk powder (WMP) in Oceania;
  • average price of exports to OPEC;
  • global volumes exported to OPEC
compared to the same period of previous years.
« 2022 Data 2024 Data »
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries):
Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
Show/Hide Information note with exporting countries considered for each product

Liquid milk
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BO= Bolivia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
IR= Iran
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NI= Nicaragua
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
IR= Iran
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
DZ= Algeria
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
IR= Iran
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PH= Philippines
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
DZ= Algeria
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BO= Bolivia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
IR= Iran
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
DZ= Algeria
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
IR= Iran
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NI= Nicaragua
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BO= Bolivia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NP= Nepal
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
DZ= Algeria
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BO= Bolivia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NP= Nepal
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Whey powder
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
GT= Guatemala
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Condensed Milk
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PH= Philippines
SA= Saudi Arabia
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UZ= Uzbekistan
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Exporters considered

EU-27= EU-27
AR= Argentina
AU= Australia
BR= Brazil
CA= Canada
CL= Chile
CN= China
CO= Colombia
CR= Costa Rica
EC= Ecuador
GT= Guatemala
JP= Japan
KR= Korea, South
MY= Malaysia
MX= Mexico
NZ= New Zealand
NO= Norway
PK= Pakistan
PY= Paraguay
PH= Philippines
SG= Singapore
ZA= South Africa
LK= Sri Lanka
CH= Switzerland
TW= Taiwan, Province of China
TH= Thailand
TR= Turkey
UA= Ukraine
GB= United Kingdom
US= United States
UY= Uruguay
HK= Hong Kong
RS= Serbia
Show/Hide graph with changes in dairy import in Milk Equivalent

Average price of oil (USD / bbl) 99,47 52,58 43,54 54,22 71,11 64,27 41,90 70,47 100,88 82,41 80,57
% change* - -47,1% -17,2% +24,5% +31,1% -9,6% -34,8% +68,2% +43,1% -18,3% -2,2%
Average price of WMP Oceania (USD / Ton) 3.768 2.474 2.424 3.095 3.005 3.133 2.983 3.853 3.872 3.080 3.411
Change %* - -34,4% -2,0% +27,7% -2,9% +4,2% -4,8% +29,2% +0,5% -20,5% +10,8%
Average exports price to OPEC (USD / Ton) 3.752 2.833 2.499 2.703 2.687 2.831 3.053 3.000 3.561 3.284 3.282
Change %* - -24,5% -11,8% +8,1% -0,6% +5,4% +7,8% -1,7% +18,7% -7,8% -0,1%
Total exports to OPEC ('000 Ton) 2.605 2.569 2.401 2.539 2.525 2.227 2.083 2.163 2.105 2.279 2.280
Change %* - -1,4% -6,5% +5,7% -0,6% -11,8% -6,4% +3,8% -2,7% +8,3% +0,0%
* Change from the same period of previous year.

Source Price of Oil: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
           Price of whole milk price (WMP) in Oceania: USDA
           Export: GTIS
<< 2022 monthly data DAIRY PRODUCT EXPORT vs OPEC - 2023 ('000 Ton) 2024 monthly data >>
Product Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2023 ± on 2022 *
Butter 8 6 5 11 11 11 8 7 7 10 14 9 107 +29,3%
Whey powder 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 58 +7,3%
FFMP 31 28 29 27 37 35 35 34 33 34 39 36 397 +7,0%
Cheese 22 24 24 21 24 25 23 24 25 27 27 25 291 +0,2%
WMP 41 36 38 49 55 47 29 22 33 56 49 43 496 +0,6%
SMP 18 25 33 35 40 40 28 22 23 25 27 25 342 +10,0%
Liquid milk 10 8 8 7 6 9 7 7 6 8 7 7 92 +0,4%
Condensed milk 17 13 15 12 16 15 10 15 13 18 16 15 175 +20,8%
Yogurt 6 8 14 15 11 10 13 16 13 10 10 9 134 +41,8%
Cream 6 5 6 5 6 7 7 5 6 7 6 6 72 +11,4%
Infant milk formula 9 9 9 10 10 11 10 9 10 8 9 10 115 +7,6%
Monthly total 173 167 187 198 222 215 175 166 173 207 209 189 2.279 +8,3%
* Change from the same period of previous year.

Source Export: GTIS