Butter, Germany
This page contains the wholesale prices for German Butter:
- Deutsche Markenbutter, lose
- Deutsche Markenbutter, geformt
Prices are recorded weekly: on the Hannover market up to 2011/09/28, on the Kempten market from 2011/10/05.
The Butter prices recorded over the last ten weeks are listed in the table, while the graphs to the side illustrates price and production trends over the last three years. Furthermore, time series are available for monthly average prices of last seven years.
The graphs below compare:
- the market prices for Butter in Germany and in Oceania with the EU intervention price;
- the market prices for Butter in Germany, France and Netherlands;
- the market prices for Butter and for SMP in Germany;
- the market prices for Butter and for Whey Powder for human consumption in Germany;
- the market prices for Butter in Germany and Italy.
€/ton |
Germany Average Monthly prices of Butter Deutsche Markenbutter, lose, 25-kg |
2009 | 2014 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | |
January | 2.138 | 3.915 | 4.475 | 3.631 | 3.389 | 5.845 | 4.748 | 5.442 | -0,30% | +14,63% | February | 2.170 | 3.638 | 4.319 | 3.595 | 3.641 | 5.919 | 4.428 | 5.573 | +2,40% | +25,86% | March | 2.175 | 3.650 | 4.131 | 3.500 | 4.055 | 6.487 | 4.743 | 5.775 | +3,63% | +21,76% | April | 2.173 | 3.550 | 4.175 | 2.790 | 4.019 | 7.173 | 4.621 | 5.833 | +1,00% | +26,22% | May | 2.168 | 3.413 | 4.094 | 2.881 | 3.963 | 7.068 | 4.579 | 6.163 | +5,65% | +34,58% | June | 2.259 | 3.466 | 3.863 | 3.181 | 3.988 | 7.196 | 4.673 | 6.641 | +7,77% | +42,13% | July | 2.375 | 3.518 | 3.700 | 3.420 | 3.830 | 6.961 | 4.463 | 6.706 | +0,97% | +50,27% | August | 2.400 | 3.225 | 3.556 | 3.425 | 3.929 | 6.931 | 4.400 | 7.406 | +10,44% | +68,32% | September | 2.675 | 3.038 | 3.631 | 3.490 | 4.160 | 7.035 | 4.551 | 8.163 | +10,21% | +79,35% | October | 3.225 | 3.050 | 3.675 | 3.469 | 4.844 | 6.864 | 4.759 | 8.060 | -1,26% | +69,37% | November | 3.513 | 3.019 | 3.633 | 3.431 | 5.325 | 6.166 | 5.365 | 8.125 | +0,81% | +51,44% | December | 3.331 | 2.883 | 3.633 | 3.344 | 5.581 | 5.373 | 5.458 | 8.150 | +0,31% | +49,31% |
Jan - Dec | 2.552 | 3.374 | 3.915 | 3.340 | 4.218 | 6.617 | 4.708 | 6.729 | ||
Change (1) | -14,71% | +32,20% | +16,04% | -14,69% | +26,28% | +56,90% | -28,85% | +42,93% | ||
Butter-und Käse-börse e.V. Kempten The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices. 1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago |
min price | |||||||||
max price |
€/ton |
Germany Average Monthly prices of Butter Deutsche Markenbutter, geformt, 250 g |
2009 | 2014 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | |
January | 2.495 | 4.250 | 4.680 | 3.760 | 3.413 | 5.860 | 7.504 | 5.887 | +0,46% | -21,55% | February | 2.295 | 4.070 | 4.480 | 3.560 | 3.401 | 5.890 | 5.718 | 5.780 | -1,82% | +1,09% | March | 2.265 | 3.550 | 4.120 | 3.300 | 3.891 | 6.022 | 5.086 | 5.901 | +2,10% | +16,03% | April | 2.265 | 3.550 | 4.000 | 3.600 | 3.903 | 7.174 | 4.995 | 5.945 | +0,74% | +19,02% | May | 2.223 | 3.470 | 4.000 | 2.760 | 3.994 | 7.770 | 4.930 | 6.043 | +1,64% | +22,57% | June | 2.215 | 3.440 | 3.800 | 3.200 | 4.131 | 7.437 | 4.920 | 6.348 | +5,05% | +29,01% | July | 2.215 | 3.450 | 3.640 | 3.448 | 4.120 | 7.478 | 4.880 | 6.814 | +7,35% | +39,63% | August | 2.366 | 3.423 | 3.380 | 3.556 | 4.120 | 7.445 | 4.760 | 7.124 | +4,55% | +49,66% | September | 2.475 | 2.940 | 3.520 | 3.700 | 4.251 | 7.530 | 4.745 | 7.719 | +8,35% | +62,67% | October | 3.125 | 3.020 | 3.880 | 3.700 | 4.411 | 7.583 | 5.064 | 8.505 | +10,19% | +67,96% | November | 3.579 | 3.000 | 3.880 | 3.900 | 5.890 | 7.680 | 5.778 | 8.650 | +1,70% | +49,72% | December | 3.660 | 3.000 | 3.760 | 3.900 | 5.868 | 7.700 | 5.860 | 8.650 | 0,00% | +47,61% |
Jan - Dec | 2.582 | 3.433 | 3.926 | 3.535 | 4.271 | 7.121 | 5.317 | 6.830 | ||
Change (1) | - | +32,99% | +14,36% | -9,97% | +20,83% | +66,71% | -25,32% | +28,44% | ||
Butter-und Käse-börse e.V. Kempten The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices. 1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago |
min price | |||||||||
max price |
€/ton | GERMANY Deutsche Markenbutter, lose |
US Butter, Grade AA |
OCEANIA Butter, 82% Butterfat |
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | ||||
January | 2.919 | 2.823 | 4.275 | 4.135 | 4.475 | 3.631 | 3.389 | 5.845 | 4.748 | 5.442 | -0,30% | +14,63% | 5.270 | +0,45% | +9,50% | 5.170 | +12,01% | +21,44% | |||
February | 3.256 | 2.660 | 4.063 | 4.669 | 4.319 | 3.595 | 3.641 | 5.919 | 4.428 | 5.573 | +2,40% | +25,86% | 5.637 | +6,96% | +14,78% | 5.752 | +11,25% | +34,53% | |||
March | 3.331 | 2.450 | 4.230 | 4.844 | 4.131 | 3.500 | 4.055 | 6.487 | 4.743 | 5.775 | +3,63% | +21,76% | 5.691 | +0,96% | +16,86% | 6.016 | +4,60% | +32,18% | |||
April | 3.095 | 2.450 | 4.413 | 5.438 | 4.175 | 2.790 | 4.019 | 7.173 | 4.621 | 5.833 | +1,00% | +26,22% | 6.027 | +5,91% | +27,76% | 6.202 | +3,08% | +44,23% | |||
May | 2.988 | 2.521 | 4.980 | 5.990 | 4.094 | 2.881 | 3.963 | 7.068 | 4.579 | 6.163 | +5,65% | +34,58% | 6.270 | +4,02% | +27,21% | 6.343 | +2,28% | +36,75% | |||
June | 3.000 | 2.915 | 5.863 | 6.069 | 3.863 | 3.181 | 3.988 | 7.196 | 4.673 | 6.641 | +7,77% | +42,13% | 6.347 | +1,23% | +29,62% | 6.982 | +10,07% | +43,20% | |||
July | 2.935 | 3.256 | 6.213 | 5.550 | 3.700 | 3.420 | 3.830 | 6.961 | 4.463 | 6.706 | +0,97% | +50,27% | 6.293 | -0,86% | +23,15% | 6.717 | -3,78% | +47,62% | |||
August | 2.728 | 3.602 | 6.660 | 5.655 | 3.556 | 3.425 | 3.929 | 6.931 | 4.400 | 7.406 | +10,44% | +68,32% | 6.292 | -0,01% | +16,75% | 6.383 | -4,97% | +49,12% | |||
September | 2.840 | 4.288 | 6.906 | 5.513 | 3.631 | 3.490 | 4.160 | 7.035 | 4.551 | 8.163 | +10,21% | +79,35% | 5.962 | -5,25% | +0,64% | 5.891 | -7,72% | +34,42% | |||
October | 3.035 | 4.331 | 6.141 | 4.863 | 3.675 | 3.469 | 4.844 | 6.864 | 4.759 | 8.060 | -1,26% | +69,37% | 5.390 | -9,59% | -23,35% | 5.951 | +1,02% | +27,91% | |||
November | 3.019 | 4.400 | 5.050 | 4.488 | 3.633 | 3.431 | 5.325 | 6.166 | 5.365 | 8.125 | +0,81% | +51,44% | 5.375 | -0,28% | -1,85% | 6.774 | +13,84% | +46,65% | |||
December | 2.921 | 4.400 | 4.443 | 4.417 | 3.633 | 3.344 | 5.581 | 5.373 | 5.458 | 8.150 | +0,31% | +49,31% | 5.323 | -0,96% | +1,47% | 6.462 | -4,61% | +39,99% | |||
Average* | 3.006 | 3.341 | 5.270 | 5.136 | 3.907 | 3.346 | 4.227 | 6.585 | 4.732 | 6.836 | 5.823 | 6.220 | |||||||||
Change (1) | -10,65% | +11,17% | +57,71% | -2,54% | -23,92% | -14,35% | +26,31% | +55,78% | -28,13% | +44,46% | +10,37% | +38,23% | |||||||||
Monthly Average (December) Including Duty (1.896 €/ton)* applied to the prices of butter (HS. 0405) imported from one country to the EU-27 |
7.219* | 8.358* | |||||||||||||||||||
* Arithmetic Average
1) change from the same period of previous year |
* Duty pursuant Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1821/2016 |
min price | |||||||||||||||||||
max price |
€/ton | SLOVAKIA Butter, Maslo bloky 16 % vody |
THE NETHERLANDS Butter, Verse in boter, in EEG-doos |
POLAND Butter, Maslo Ekstra min 82%, tl. w blokach 25 kg |
2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | |
January | 7.100 | 6.266 | -3,53% | -11,74% | 4.688 | 5.442 | -1,05% | +16,10% | 5.194 | 5.383 | -2,98% | +3,63% |
February | 7.028 | 6.156 | -1,76% | -12,40% | 4.525 | 5.663 | +4,05% | +25,14% | 4.654 | 5.349 | -0,62% | +14,94% |
March | 6.200 | 6.236 | +1,30% | +0,59% | 4.800 | 5.730 | +1,19% | +19,38% | 4.662 | 5.583 | +4,36% | +19,74% |
April | 6.681 | 6.387 | +2,41% | -4,40% | 4.625 | 5.850 | +2,09% | +26,49% | 4.693 | 5.542 | -0,72% | +18,09% |
May | 5.505 | 6.191 | -3,07% | +12,46% | 4.654 | 6.194 | +5,88% | +33,09% | 4.426 | 5.716 | +3,14% | +29,14% |
June | 5.714 | 6.383 | +3,11% | +11,71% | 4.758 | 6.758 | +9,10% | +42,04% | 4.524 | 6.044 | +5,74% | +33,61% |
July | 5.595 | 6.671 | +4,50% | +19,22% | 4.470 | 6.714 | -0,64% | +50,20% | 4.474 | 6.155 | +1,85% | +37,60% |
August | 5.938 | 7.053 | +5,73% | +18,78% | 4.356 | 7.443 | +10,85% | +70,86% | 4.397 | 6.724 | +9,24% | +52,91% |
September | 5.831 | 7.257 | +2,90% | +24,45% | 4.455 | 8.050 | +8,16% | +80,70% | 4.454 | 7.295 | +8,49% | +63,80% |
October | 6.029 | 7.500 | +3,34% | +24,41% | 4.853 | 7.612 | -5,44% | +56,87% | 4.813 | 7.554 | +3,54% | +56,93% |
November | 6.281 | 7.788 | +3,84% | +23,99% | 5.420 | 7.863 | +3,29% | +45,06% | 5.293 | 8.045 | +6,51% | +52,01% |
December | 6.496 | 7.877 | +1,15% | +21,27% | 5.500 | 7.300 | -7,15% | +32,73% | 5.548 | 8.715 | +8,32% | +57,08% |
Average* | 6.183 | 6.736 | 4.762 | 6.664 | 4.751 | 6.368 | ||||||
Change (1) | +8,94% | +39,93% | +34,04% | |||||||||
* Arithmetic Average
1) change from the same period of previous year |