EXPORT GERMANY: Main 10 purchasers of Latte Confezionato (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Sep
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
China 117.734 106.408 56.663 43.833 32.870 28.608 -12,97%
Netherlands 11.261 10.662 8.341 7.315 5.684 5.087 -10,51%
Philippines 4.156 4.311 4.055 5.031 4.081 2.689 -34,12%
Belgium 235 2.096 2.076 3.825 3.330 1.764 -47,03%
Dominican Republic 800 578 571 629 408 1.199 +194%
Malaysia 1 106 1.077 1.448 1.237 1.050 -15,13%
Austria 3.028 1.759 1.500 1.286 1.057 958 -9,40%
Denmark 4.376 625 502 629 555 267 -51,94%
Hong Kong 418 314 221 515 415 248 -40,32%
Nigeria 149 149 111 101 76 191 +153%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.