EXPORT EU-27: Main 10 purchasers of SMP (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Aug
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Algeria 118.551 89.047 112.342 143.186 111.800 129.588 +15,91%
Egypt 43.711 36.016 40.887 51.844 32.577 38.105 +16,97%
Philippines 41.435 49.945 33.569 27.068 18.715 30.229 +61,53%
Saudi Arabia 29.726 23.457 25.780 40.754 28.545 26.772 -6,21%
Indonesia 45.044 64.505 42.926 26.974 20.006 21.526 +7,60%
China 121.462 125.141 82.148 68.246 59.744 21.375 -64,22%
Nigeria 43.651 45.443 33.985 19.911 12.192 19.838 +62,72%
Vietnam 20.558 19.917 20.336 28.154 21.818 19.800 -9,25%
Morocco 7.560 10.574 25.386 30.896 17.713 19.244 +8,64%
Yemen 29.029 29.743 31.093 34.604 21.956 19.192 -12,59%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.