EXPORT EU-27: Main 10 purchasers of Whey (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Oct
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
China 250.280 240.737 209.261 202.761 170.721 176.063 +3,13%
Indonesia 67.844 93.939 75.965 73.455 62.391 77.652 +24,46%
Malaysia 63.900 67.455 60.217 71.965 58.771 62.653 +6,61%
United Kingdom 70.594 48.356 56.916 60.821 51.532 51.201 -0,64%
Korea, South 62.541 64.111 61.232 51.708 44.369 49.228 +10,95%
Thailand 38.431 46.186 38.595 45.687 38.404 42.237 +9,98%
Philippines 14.073 14.943 17.484 16.688 13.497 23.299 +72,62%
Japan 22.287 23.297 21.065 23.328 18.330 21.656 +18,14%
Vietnam 21.003 25.383 23.951 29.154 23.434 21.279 -9,19%
Morocco 20.363 18.601 27.008 12.543 9.943 12.623 +26,95%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.