IMPORT EU-27: Main 10 suppliers of Cheese (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Oct
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
United Kingdom 161.312 129.327 117.235 110.569 90.497 95.762 +5,82%
Switzerland 55.286 60.171 56.649 54.241 42.715 47.826 +11,97%
Ukraine 0 0 3.245 911 668 2.127 +219%
Serbia 1.551 1.914 2.232 2.221 1.886 2.046 +8,46%
Norway 1.274 1.252 3.453 2.012 1.765 1.573 -10,89%
Iceland 42 115 282 210 174 1.138 +554%
Turkey 809 1.079 1.609 1.288 997 1.020 +2,26%
Bosnia & Herzegovina 425 806 893 1.043 850 844 -0,69%
United States 764 274 584 333 268 312 +16,28%
Macedonia 35 71 230 233 165 220 +33,32%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.