2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Milk deliveries ('000 Ton) 17.025 16.842 17.864 18.274 18.850 19.675 20.105 20.423 20.941 21.006 21.244 21.489
Import in ME ('000 Ton) 2.599 3.040 3.129 3.286 3.859 3.911 4.097 4.558 4.542 4.977 5.070 5.411
Export in ME ('000 Ton) 4.258 4.248 5.175 5.378 5.071 5.470 6.080 5.957 6.225 6.415 6.340 6.672
Domestic use incl. stock ('000 Ton) 15.366 15.635 15.818 16.181 17.637 18.115 18.122 19.024 19.258 19.568 19.973 20.227
± % domestic use incl. stock - +1,75% +1,17% +2,30% +9,00% +2,71% +0,04% +4,98% +1,23% +1,61% +2,07% +1,27%
Self-sufficiency milk 110,8% 107,7% 112,9% 112,9% 106,9% 108,6% 110,9% 107,4% 108,7% 107,3% 106,4% 106,2%

Delivery of cow's milk: Eurostat source
Domestic use including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import extra EU in ME - Export extra EU in ME
The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
EASTERN Europe: 108,7%

Milk deliveries (Ton)***
     % Deliveries on EASTERN Europe deliveries
Import (Ton ME)*
Export (Ton ME)*
     % Export in ME on milk deliveries
Domestic use incl. stock (Ton ME)**
Area (Km2)
Densiy (population/kmĀ²)
N° cows
Repubblica Ceca
12.445.911 3.192.010 1.625.670 1.134.900 833.800 694.190 580.110 434.000
59,43% 15,24% 7,76% 5,42% 3,98% 3,32% 2,77% 2,07%
1.777.433 1.028.403 748.073 1.181.245 690.509 517.954 319.632 531.177
4.539.991 1.756.786 634.214 215.661 471.871 230.528 411.016 121.122
36,48% 55,04% 39,01% 19,00% 56,59% 33,21% 70,85% 27,91%
9.683.353 2.463.627 1.739.529 2.100.483 1.052.438 981.616 488.726 844.055
312.685 78.867 93.028 238.391 49.035 110.879 20.273 56.542
38.171.000 10.550.000 9.749.000 19.392.000 5.455.000 6.934.000 2.102.000 3.954.000
122 134 105 81 111 63 104 70
2.125.700 357.010 246.600 1.121.900 122.050 241.940 99.210 109.800
* Import/Export in milk equivalent (ME) of liquid milk, yogurt, condensed milk, Cheese, SMP, WMP.
** Domestic use in milk equivalent (ME) including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import in ME - Export in ME
*** Cow milk's deliveries

The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.

Source Milk deliveries: Eurostat
           N° of cows: Eurostat (dataset: agr_r_animal)
           Import/Export: Eurostat
           Population: FAO
           Area: Wikipedia
N° dairy farms - EASTERN Europe
  2005 2007 2010 2013 2016 2020 ±% on 2016 ±% on 2005
Romania 1.134.400 1.012.420 625.000 561.850 472.770 306.120 -35,25% -73,01%
Poland 727.110 651.060 425.790 334.510 243.560 174.290 -28,44% -76,03%
Bulgaria 152.570 120.820 85.950 61.470 39.860 20.030 -49,75% -86,87%
Slovenia 19.710 19.180 10.950 9.770 9.570 5.610 -41,38% -71,54%
Hungary 16.250 12.160 11.370 9.520 7.740 5.470 -29,33% -66,34%
Slovakia 13.470 11.540 6.310 6.200 4.140 3.070 -25,85% -77,21%
Czech Republic 6.770 5.610 3.100 3.440 2.890 2.270 -21,45% -66,47%
Croatia 0 49.560 41.340 30.150 18.830 11.910 -36,75% >1000%
TOTAL 2.070.280 1.882.350 1.209.810 1.016.910 799.360 528.770 -33.85% -74.46%
Source: Eurostat