2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Milk deliveries ('000 Ton) 77.669 78.495 81.730 84.256 84.575 85.564 86.133 86.438 87.247 86.326 86.617 86.372
Import in ME ('000 Ton) 6.599 6.790 7.686 8.618 8.879 9.531 9.778 10.146 10.697 10.862 10.774 10.849
Export in ME ('000 Ton) 28.563 28.207 29.615 30.883 30.357 32.202 31.847 34.048 32.688 31.897 30.796 32.782
Domestic use incl. stock ('000 Ton) 55.705 57.078 59.801 61.991 63.097 62.893 64.064 62.536 65.256 65.291 66.595 64.439
± % domestic use incl. stock - +2,47% +4,77% +3,66% +1,78% -0,32% +1,86% -2,39% +4,35% +0,05% +2,00% -3,24%
Self-sufficiency milk 139,4% 137,5% 136,7% 135,9% 134,0% 136,0% 134,4% 138,2% 133,7% 132,2% 130,1% 134,0%

Delivery of cow's milk: Eurostat source
Domestic use including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import extra EU in ME - Export extra EU in ME
The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
CENTRAL Europe: 133,7%

Milk deliveries (Ton)***
     % Deliveries on CENTRAL Europe deliveries
Import (Ton ME)*
Export (Ton ME)*
     % Export in ME on milk deliveries
Domestic use incl. stock (Ton ME)**
Area (Km2)
Densiy (population/kmĀ²)
N° cows
32.548.980 24.602.190 13.985.189 8.542.270 4.431.000 3.137.140 n.d.
37,31% 28,20% 16,03% 9,79% 5,08% 3,60% -
11.665.788 4.428.628 6.889.619 1.804.267 5.510.926 1.511.155 426.815
18.894.401 10.356.979 11.765.016 4.861.652 6.348.673 2.200.077 669.166
58,05% 42,10% 84,12% 56,91% 143,28% 70,13% -
25.320.367 18.673.839 9.109.793 5.484.885 3.593.253 2.448.217 n.d.
357.022 543.965 41.543 70.273 30.528 83.871 2.586
83.629.000 65.905.000 17.637.000 4.983.000 11.540.000 8.921.000 631.000
234 121 425 71 378 106 244
3.921.410 3.405.680 1.569.000 1.456.050 537.940 524.780 54.230
* Import/Export in milk equivalent (ME) of liquid milk, yogurt, condensed milk, Cheese, SMP, WMP.
** Domestic use in milk equivalent (ME) including stock change = Milk deliveries + Import in ME - Export in ME
*** Cow milk's deliveries

The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.

Source Milk deliveries: Eurostat
           N° of cows: Eurostat (dataset: agr_r_animal)
           Import/Export: Eurostat
           Population: FAO
           Area: Wikipedia
N° dairy farms - CENTRAL Europe
  2005 2007 2010 2013 2016 2020 ±% on 2016 ±% on 2005
Germany 110.370 101.080 89.770 78.830 69.190 54.310 -21,51% -50,79%
France 103.850 93.110 82.630 92.550 64.420 56.200 -12,76% -45,88%
Austria 54.580 49.460 47.740 42.190 31.990 28.270 -11,63% -48,20%
Ireland 23.810 21.320 18.460 18.150 18.320 17.500 -4,48% -26,50%
Netherlands 23.540 24.520 19.810 18.670 17.930 15.730 -12,27% -33,18%
Belgium 15.190 13.310 11.410 9.040 11.770 8.920 -24,21% -41,28%
Luxembourg 960 1.090 810 730 700 620 -11,43% -35,42%
TOTAL 332.300 303.890 270.630 260.160 214.320 181.550 -15.29% -45.37%
Source: Eurostat