FRANCE: Cows slaughtered (heads)

This page contains the graphs on Slaughtered cows (heads) in France. The data are updated monthly.

Cows Slaughtered (Heads)
1.302 thousand Heads
Jan - Nov 2024
FRANCIA: Number of Cows (x 1000 capi)
Descrizione 20202021202220232024 Var %
Cows 7.442,5 7.379,4 7.315,2 7.204,4 7.159,4 7.020,5 6.960,4 6.904,4 6.844,7 -0.86%
Dairy 3.403,2 3.405,7 3.331,2 3.322,0 3.266,4 3.230,9 3.167,3 3.164,6 3.102,6 -1.96%
Non Dairy 4.039,3 3.973,7 3.984,1 3.882,4 3.893,0 3.789,6 3.793,1 3.739,8 3.742,1 +0.06%
Source: Processed by CLAL on Eurostat data