GERMANY: Cows slaughtered (heads)

This page contains the graphs on Slaughtered cows (heads) in Germany. The data are updated monthly.

Cows Slaughtered (Heads)
830 thousand Heads
Jan - Oct 2024
GERMANIA: Number of Cows (x 1000 capi)
Descrizione 20202021202220232024 Var %
Cows 4.609,4 4.547,7 4.517,0 4.444,5 4.429,7 4.419,6 4.398,6 4.337,7 4.296,7 -0.95%
Dairy 3.969,3 3.921,4 3.891,5 3.832,7 3.817,3 3.809,7 3.775,2 3.712,8 3.668,3 -1.20%
Non Dairy 640,1 626,3 625,5 611,8 612,4 609,8 623,4 624,9 628,4 +0.56%
Source: Processed by CLAL on Eurostat data