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Italy: Climate effects on agricultural production

This page contains the analysis of the state of some of the main agricultural crops in Italy, in relation to meteorological events of drought and rainfall.
The charts display the production percentage affected by significant drought or rainfall conditions, per product.

The analysis does not constitute a forecast of productions, but a statistical tool to support the assessment of a possible impact of climatic conditions on crops.

The first chart concerns the current year , and is combined with the monthly data regarding climate conditions.

The second chart divides the analysis by phase of the current agricultural season, as Planting, Growing and Harvesting.

The final chart provides an historical overview of the monthly trend.

Analysis on the agricultural season as a Whole | Source: JRC, ISTAT - Processed by: CLAL

The bar chart shows the percentage of production affected by significant drought or rainfall conditions in the current year. > Methodology

The area charts below present the monthly data for the last 6 months. > Methodology

Trend recorded in the last months:

Analysis on the phases of the agricultural season| Source: JRC, ISTAT - Processed by: CLAL

The charts show the percentage of production affected by significant drought or rainfall conditions in each phase of the current year , divided by agricultural product. > Methodology

Historical analysis by product | Source: JRC, ISTAT - Processed by: CLAL

The bar chart shows the percentage of production affected by significant drought or rainfall conditions in the current calendar year. > Methodology