

offrire strumenti per gestire da protagonisti la svolta culturale verso modelli produttivi sostenibili.

The Water & Energy Project

fornisce agli operatori del settore agroalimentare un quadro aggiornato dei problemi legati all’utilizzo dell’acqua e dell’energia, un sistema di informazioni e indicazioni per affrontare in modo consapevole ed efficace la gestione responsabile delle risorse vitali per il futuro del pianeta.

Good Practices

mostra come è possibile valorizzare prodotti, aziende e filiere attraverso esempi di pratiche virtuose e certificazioni di sostenibilità ambientale.

Latteria Soresina

Thanks to the cultivation and maintenance of the agricultural areas under their control the farmers and members of the Latteria Soresina farm an area of ​​about 1/4 of the agricultural soil of ​​the province of Cremona, one of the Italian provinces most devoted to agriculture... read >


Lattebusche has embarked on a path to sustainability. The care that this cooperative has for its territory is not limited to the important work of its associated producers, who are naturally inclined to the preservations of their own territory, it is also based on the investments, certifications and on the daily actions taken within its production plants... read >
See all the Good Practices >

Agricultural Market and Fertilizers

IT, Milan: Italian Soybeans flour price Increased 428  €/ton
IT, Milan: Bran price Decreased 109  €/ton
IT, Milan: Foreign soybeans price Increased 443  €/ton
IT, Milan: Italian soybeans price Decreased 484  €/ton
IT, Foggia: durum wheat - mercantile price Decreased 352  €/ton
IT, Foggia: durum wheat - buono mercantile price Decreased 352  €/ton
IT, Foggia: durum wheat - fino price Decreased 363  €/ton
IT, Bologna: Barley - s.w. 65 and over Increased 246  €/ton
IT, Bologna: Barley - s.w. 62/64 price Increased 238  €/ton
IT, Bologna: Sorghum - Italian white price Decreased 283  €/ton
IT, Bologna: Corn - Italian for livestock (with characteristics) price Decreased 291  €/ton
IT, Bologna: Corn - Italian for livestock (contr. 103) price Decreased 286  €/ton
IT, Turin - Triple superphosphate 46% Stabile 535  €/ton
IT, Turin - Ammonium nitrate 26% Stabile 325  €/ton
IT, Turin - Urea 46% In calo 425  €/ton
Information Note
  1. Market News evidences only the changes; should no price change or no quotation take place, any mention will be made.
  2. The change/variation concerning PRODUCTION/OUTPUT quantity refers to the same period of the previous year.
  3. The change/variation concerning STOCK quantity refers to the previous month.
  4. The change/variation of price refers to PRICES expressed in local currency (for both EU and the World). The change refers to the previous week/month/year, as the case may be. In the case of dual-listed (min and max), changes are calculated using the MAX PRICE.

Slaughtered cowsenter

Global Snapshot

/Ton US
Product Value % Chg* Value % Chg* Value % Chg*
CORN 144 +0,2% 157 -1,5% 228 0,0%
SOY 336 +0,2% 279 -0,6% n.q.  
WHEAT 187 1 +0,9% 201 -3,2% 260 0,0%
* Change on the previous price quotation.
1) Prezzi riferiti a Hard Red Wheat
n.q.: non quotato

Show/Hide Global Snapshot in US$

/Ton US
Product Value % Chg* Value % Chg* Value % Chg*
CORN 159 +0,1% 174 -1,8% 252 -0,2%
SOY 371 +0,1% 308 -0,8% n.q.  
WHEAT 206 1 +0,8% 222 -3,5% 287 -0,2%
* Change on the previous price quotation.
1) Prezzi riferiti a Hard Red Wheat
n.q.: non quotato

  • Market Balances:

Corn | Balance sheet in Mio Tons
Year 2024-25 (Forecast September)
Corn US - Price
Country Beginning Stocks Production Import Export Consumption Ending Stocks
World 309.63+2.2% 1218.57-0.5% 185.40-3.7% 191.37-4.2% 1213.88+0.3% 308.35-0.4%
United States 46.02 +33.2% 385.73 -1.0% 0.64 -16.7% 58.42 +0.4% 321.71 +0.3% 52.26 +13.6%
Share % 14.9% 31.7% 0.3% 30.5% 26.5% 16.9%
China 211.36 +2.6% 292.00 +1.1% 21.00 -10.6% 0.02 0.0% 313.00 +2.0% 211.34 0.0%
Share % 68.3% 24.0% 11.3% 0.0% 25.8% 68.5%
Brazil 4.84 -51.8% 127.00 +4.1% 1.50 +15.4% 49.00 +2.1% 81.50 +1.2% 2.84 -41.3%
Share % 1.6% 10.4% 0.8% 25.6% 6.7% 0.9%
EU-27 7.48 -6.8% 59.00 -4.0% 19.00 -2.6% 3.30 -25.0% 75.30 -2.3% 6.88 -8.0%
Share % 2.4% 4.8% 10.2% 1.7% 6.2% 2.2%
Argentina 1.54 +16.2% 51.00 +2.0% 0.01 -66.7% 36.00 +2.9% 14.80 0.0% 1.74 +13.3%
Share % 0.5% 4.2% 0.0% 18.8% 1.2% 0.6%
Source: USDA - WASDE, Last Update: 2024-09-13 Visit the page with more detailed information