This page contains an overview of the exports of live swine of RUSSIA.
The monthly and cumulative data concerning quantities, values and prices refer to the different types divided into sub-categories and codes.

You can view the world trade of live swine clicking here or view another Country or flow using the selection button:

This country has not exported significant quantities in the last available month!
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January 2022QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20212022± su 202120212022± su 20212022± su 2021
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
This country has not esportato significant quantities in the current year!
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January - January 2022QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20212022± su 202120212022± su 20212022± su 2021
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
This country has not esportato quantità rilevanti nell'anno 2018
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January - December 2018QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20172018± su 201720172018± su 20172018± su 2017
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
This country has not esportato quantità rilevanti nell'anno 2019
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January - December 2019QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20182019± su 201820182019± su 20182019± su 2018
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
This country has not esportato quantità rilevanti nell'anno 2020
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January - December 2020QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20192020± su 201920192020± su 20192020± su 2019
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
This country has not esportato quantità rilevanti nell'anno 2021
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January - December 2021QUANTITY (Ton)VALUES ('000 USD)PRICES (US$ / Kg)
20202021± su 202020202021± su 20202021± su 2020
EXPORT TOTAL000.00%000.00% 
Processed by CLAL on IHS data
Last Update: 30 March 2022
** Extended description of the monitored customs codes (Information note)
0103: Live swine
010310: Pure-bred breeding animals
010391: Weighing less than 50 kg
010392: Weighing 50 kg or more
01039110: Domestic Swine, Weighing < 50 Kg (Excl. Pure-Bred For Breeding)
0103911000: Прочие Домашние Виды Свиней Живых, Массой Менее 50 Кг
01039190: Live Non-Domestic Swine, Weighing < 50 Kg
0103919000: Прочие Свиньи Живые (Кроме Домашних), Массой Менее 50 Кг
01039210: Domestic Species:
01039211: Live Domestic Sows, Having Farrowed At Least Once, Weighing >= 160 Kg (Excl. Pure-Bred For Breeding)
0103921100: Live Domestic Sows, Having Farrowed At Least Once, Weighing >= 160 Kg (Excl Pure-Bred For Breeding)
01039219: Live Domestic Swine, Weighing >= 50 Kg (Excl. Sows Having Farrowed At Least Once And Weighing >= 160 Kg, And Those Pure-Bred For Breeding)
0103921900: Прочие Домашние Виды Свиней, Имеющие Массу 50 Кг Или Более
01039290: Live Non-Domestic Swine, Weighing >= 50 Kg
0103929000: Прочие Свиньи Живые, Массой 50 Кг Или Более

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