UE: Bovine animals, 2 years old or over - Dairy cows (Heads per 1000)
Country 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ± from 2022
Germany 4.169 4.296 4.012 3.921 3.833 3.810 3.713 -2.54%=
France 3.748 3.661 3.491 (d) 3.406 (d) 3.322 (p) 3.231 3.165 (p) -2.05%=
Poland 2.585 2.248 2.167 2.126 2.035 2.037 2.243 +10.11%=
Italy 1.878 2.069 1.876 1.871 1.844 1.865 (b) 1.808 -3.06%=
Netherlands 1.562 1.610 1.590 1.569 1.554 1.570 1.552 -1.15%=
Ireland 1.022 1.128 1.426 1.456 1.505 1.510 1.511 +0.04%=
Romania 1.419 1.188 1.139 1.122 1.082 1.076 1.057 -1.76%=
Spain 828 845 813 811 (p) 809 (p) 810 786 -3.01%=
Denmark 574 547 563 565 559 556 547 -1.65%=
Austria 533 538 524 525 526 551 543 -1.37%=
Belgium 518 519 538 538 537 544 536 -1.50%=
Czech Republic 384 372 361 357 362 357 358 +0.28%=
Sweden 354 344 301 304 300 298 289 -2.91%=
Hungary 248 255 243 247 (b) 281 278 266 -4.46%=
Finland 286 283 259 256 249 243 236 -2.84%=
Portugal 255 234 234 233 230 (p) 222 219 -1.22%=
Lithuania 375 314 241 233 225 224 212 -5.44%=
Bulgaria 297 302 227 242 230 213 202 -4.90%=
Latvia 166 166 138 136 131 128 119 -6.83%=
Slovakia 163 143 126 122 120 117 115 -1.72%=
Slovenia 113 108 101 99 101 93 95 +1.54%=
Greece 145 135 86 90 91 81 89 (p) +11.06%=
Estonia 97 96 85 84 84 84 83 -0.47%=
Croatia 212 159 130 110 102 79 (b) 71 (p) -10.13%=
Luxembourg 46 47 54 54 55 55 55 -0.22%=
Cyprus 23 25 35 39 39 38 39 +1.15%=
Malta 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 -3.10%=
EU TOTAL 22.007 21.638 20.766 20.522 20.213 20.074 19.913  
Change (1) - -1,68% -4,03% -1,17% -1,51% -0,69% -0,80%  
Source: Processed by CLAL on Eurostat data
(b) time series interruption, (p) provisional, (d) time series interruption, (e) estimated
1) change from the same period of the previous year, with the exception of 2014, 2019 where the variation is calculated over the same period of the previous 5 years