Click on a country in the table to see the monthly changes compared to the same month of the previous year.

Cows Slaughtered ( Heads)
Country Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totale ± %
Jan-Dec 2017
Austria 19.900 16.350 17.420 16.170 14.800 14.480 15.010 19.700 16.340 21.080 20.080 14.210 205.540 +0,7%
Belgium 32.330 27.640 30.660 28.220 28.930 29.160 27.190 32.130 30.250 34.630 33.880 29.320 364.340 -0,5%
Bulgaria 2.190 1.540 1.720 1.400 1.300 1.180 970 1.090 2.050 2.410 2.120 2.200 20.170 +6,6%
Cyprus 590 460 500 410 360 330 320 360 370 480 460 410 5.050 -0,2%
Croatia 1.900 1.600 1.800 1.500 1.600 1.300 1.400 1.400 1.500 2.000 2.100 1.600 19.700 -12,4%
Denmark 17.400 13.700 14.800 14.000 13.900 13.900 12.300 18.900 15.700 17.400 18.000 13.300 183.300 +6,6%
Estonia 1.710 1.350 1.470 1.380 1.740 1.510 1.550 1.920 1.830 2.010 1.860 1.390 19.720 +1,2%
Finland 7.020 5.530 6.260 5.730 6.010 5.500 5.700 7.880 7.690 8.450 7.430 5.890 79.090 +0,4%
France 157.330 134.610 147.200 131.510 129.130 128.460 130.010 141.920 134.710 160.880 155.410 140.000 1.691.170 +2,0%
Germany 113.000 93.000 109.000 95.000 90.000 95.000 112.000 108.000 108.000 119.000 111.000 83.000 1.236.000 -0,6%
Greece 2.490 2.460 2.390 2.750 2.960 2.660 2.930 2.960 3.010 2.850 2.330 2.570 32.360 -1,1%
Ireland 28.730 29.840 29.180 31.960 31.670 35.480 38.140 34.820 33.040 39.490 39.590 27.170 399.110 +6,3%
Italy 51.870 45.150 47.680 39.620 44.160 42.810 46.730 49.620 49.170 56.260 54.210 45.980 573.260 +8,8%
Latvia 2.990 2.540 3.040 2.960 3.130 2.970 2.880 3.520 3.120 3.870 3.660 2.200 36.880 +1,0%
Lithuania 5.010 4.480 5.630 5.480 5.840 6.040 6.080 7.050 6.270 8.760 6.650 4.500 71.790 +1,5%
Luxembourg 870 750 760 730 710 710 710 750 680 830 990 800 9.290 +12,7%
Malta 150 110 80 170 140 70 70 100 90 120 120 100 1.320 -5,0%
Netherlands 51.850 42.000 50.420 36.540 38.970 41.790 41.470 48.400 46.460 48.700 44.020 33.090 523.710 -7,4%
Poland 48.410 43.570 52.020 43.990 43.060 51.180 54.700 56.560 53.820 60.290 53.220 43.330 604.150 +0,6%
Portugal 6.750 5.360 5.680 5.060 8.350 8.500 8.600 7.510 6.620 7.860 6.880 5.400 82.570 +6,0%
Czech Republic 9.440 8.190 8.530 8.560 8.780 8.050 8.320 9.770 9.120 10.190 10.280 8.250 107.480 +4,9%
Romania 9.030 7.560 8.450 7.950 9.470 8.560 8.380 9.590 9.320 11.490 12.580 9.180 111.560 -27,6%
Slovakia 1.510 1.170 1.240 1.180 1.240 1.090 1.210 1.530 1.230 1.290 1.160 960 14.810 +4,7%
Slovenia 1.790 1.410 1.820 1.420 1.330 1.060 1.100 1.360 1.530 2.230 3.130 2.150 20.330 +1,2%
Spain 29.450 25.560 22.510 22.950 33.970 32.150 33.970 29.680 31.200 35.650 31.240 24.610 352.940 -2,5%
Sweden 13.860 11.440 11.320 10.670 9.490 7.140 8.680 11.890 12.050 15.980 16.110 12.070 140.700 +10,5%
Hungary 6.290 5.100 4.530 6.860 6.400 5.380 5.580 7.240 5.720 5.620 6.060 5.220 70.000 +4,4%
TOTAL 2018 623.860 532.470 586.110 524.170 537.440 546.460 576.000 615.650 590.890 679.820 644.570 518.900 6.976.340  
varitation % * +7,2% -1,5% -5,3% +7,2% -2,9% -2,9% +11,4% +6,1% -0,5% +6,4% -4,7% -10,4%    
Δ 2018-2017 ('000 Tons) +41.710 -8.250 -32.730 +35.220 -15.870 -16.220 +59.090 +35.540 -2.720 +40.960 -32.130 -59.970 +44.630
(c) confidential data
Source: Eurostat
* Trend variation