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Butteroil production, Australia

On this page, you will find two charts showing monthly and triennal production of Butteroil (expressed in tonnes) in Australia over a given time period.
Australia is a major Player on world markets.
The table below gives us the corresponding numerical values and their variation percentages.

Month2 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 ± % on
± % on
July 642 382 438 626 503 470 -6,6% -24,9%
August 790 568 641 721 740 636 -14,1% -11,8%
September 1.050 720 932 1.109 831 719 -13,5% -35,2%
October 1.085 848 1.007 1.544 831 779 -6,3% -49,5%
November 932 762 820 1.667 871 794 -8,8% -52,4%
December 936 728 784 1.205 1.022 741 -27,5% -38,5%
January 796 793 755 928 690 767 +11,2% -17,3%
February 615 616 697 759 629 746 +18,6% -1,7%
March 823 556 1.085 903 918 654 -28,8% -27,6%
April 853 611 1.215 699 601
May 789 554 944 790 678
June 467 591 726 688 693
Total to date 7.669 5.973 7.159 9.462 7.035 6.306
% y-o-y ¹   -22,12% +19,86% +32,17% -25,65% -10,36%
Total Year 9.778 7.729 10.044 11.639 9.007
previous %   -21,0% +30,0% +15,9% -22,6%
Last update: 03-07-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year
2) Dairy Season Year: from July 1 to June 30
Source: Dairy Australia
  Min Production
  Max Production