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German "Länder": Monthly Milk Deliveries

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On this page, you will find:
  • a table listing the monthly deliveries of cow's milk in the 16 German states (German Länder);
  • a table listing the monthly deliveries of cow's organic milk in the German Länder over a given period;
  • a summary table, which records the sum of conventional, organic and "Extra" Germany (processed in Germany, but coming from other EU Members States) deliveries of cow's milk over a given period;
  • two charts showing the monthly figures of conventional and organic milk deliveries in Germany;
  • a chart showing the share of the milk deliveried in the German Länder.
German Länder deliveries can be viewed from 2016 and changes in Germany's milk deliveries.

Farm-gate milk prices in Germany » Organic milk prices in Germany »

Milk deliveries in 2024 with breakdown by German Länder ('000 tons)
German Länder Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2024 ± on 2023 *
Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg 251 239 258 252 263 252 254           1.768 +1,1%
Niedersachsen / Bremen 605 583 628 613 642 615 618           4.305 +0,5%
Nordrhein-Westfalen 272 262 283 275 285 272 271           1.920 -1,8%
Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland 146 140 152 147 153 146 147           1.032 -0,4%
Baden-Württemberg 178 173 187 184 191 182 183           1.279 +1,8%
Bayern 596 579 628 614 638 608 612           4.275 +1,5%
Bundesgebiet West 2.049 1.976 2.135 2.084 2.174 2.076 2.085           14.580 +0,6%
Berlin / Brandenburg 93 90 98 96 100 95 95           667 -0,9%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 116 113 123 119 124 119 120           836 +1,1%
Sachsen 131 127 138 135 139 133 133           936 -0,3%
Sachsen-Anhalt 76 74 81 79 81 78 77           546 -4,1%
Thüringen 66 63 68 66 69 66 66           463 -0,5%
Bundesgebiet Ost 482 468 508 495 513 490 492           3.449 -0,7%
Organic Milk deliveries in 2024 with breakdown by German Länder ('000 tons)
German Länder Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2024 ± on 2023 *
Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg 4,49 4,21 4,48 4,55 4,83 4,58 4,54           31,67 -1,6%
Niedersachsen / Bremen 10,51 9,99 11,28 11,30 12,00 11,53 11,54           78,14 +6,4%
Nordrhein-Westfalen 8,06 7,86 8,43 8,32 8,89 8,21 8,12           57,89 -0,5%
Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland 8,11 7,88 8,59 8,51 8,99 8,35 8,47           58,88 -4,0%
Baden-Württemberg 15,82 15,32 16,79 16,96 18,33 16,96 17,23           117,40 +4,1%
Bayern 57,10 56,08 61,08 61,64 65,63 60,35 60,16           422,05 +3,4%
Bundesgebiet West 104,08 101,33 110,63 111,27 118,67 109,98 110,06           766,03 +2,6%
Berlin / Brandenburg 3,34 3,28 3,40 3,34 3,53 3,23 3,29           23,40 -4,0%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2,23 2,11 2,32 2,27 2,35 2,14 2,11           15,52 -6,2%
Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt 5,74 5,61 6,15 5,89 5,93 5,62 5,72           40,66 +9,2%
Thüringen 0,84 0,85 0,85 0,84 0,89 0,86 0,84           5,97 -3,5%
Bundesgebiet Ost 12,15 11,84 12,72 12,34 12,70 11,85 11,95           85,54 +1,4%
Germany Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2024 ± on 2023 *
Conventional milk 2.531 2.444 2.643 2.579 2.686 2.567 2.577 18.028 +0,3%
change * -1,5% +3,6% +0,5% +0,4% +0,5% +0,3% -1,2%
Organic milk 116 113 123 124 131 122 122 852 +2,5%
change * -0,5% +5,2% +1,8% +2,8% +2,4% +3,3% +2,9%
Extra Germany 72 69 79 77 80 73 74 523 -12,8%
change * -17,7% -10,1% -10,1% -11,0% -14,8% -15,0% -10,5%
Total Germany 2024 2.719 2.627 2.846 2.780 2.897 2.762 2.773 19.403
% change on 2023 -2,0% +3,3% +0,2% +0,1% +0,1% 0,0% -1,3% +0,0%
Total Germany 2023 2.774 2.543 2.840 2.777 2.895 2.763 2.809 2.702 2.556 2.610 2.504 2.650 32.424
Last update: 05-10-2024
* % change from same period of previous year.
Source: BLE

Rolling year: for each month the chart visualizes the production in that month plus the production of the previous 11 months. With this method is always considered the total production in a time window of 12 months, so it is possible to identify the trend without the effect of seasonality.

German Länder May
± on
Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg 7,33 6,44 7,42 6,59 7,57 6,87 8,02 +5,9%
Niedersachsen / Bremen 7,83 6,79 7,89 7,08 8,10 7,18 8,40 +3,6%
Nordrhein-Westfalen 7,69 6,63 7,77 7,00 7,91 6,91 7,99 +1,0%
Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland 7,05 5,90 6,81 6,19 7,11 6,25 7,32 +3,0%
Baden-Württemberg 6,52 5,44 6,37 5,68 6,60 5,72 6,86 +4,0%
Bayern 6,26 5,27 6,18 5,51 6,46 5,63 6,70 +3,8%
Berlin / Brandenburg 8,07 7,14 7,85 7,09 8,14 7,21 8,47 +4,0%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 7,94 7,16 7,95 7,24 8,28 7,41 8,57 +3,6%
Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt 8,19 7,34 8,20 7,63 8,47 7,64 8,77 +3,4%
Thüringen 8,19 7,17 8,05 7,46 8,33 7,51 8,56 +2,8%
Total Germany 7,22 6,22 7,19 6,47 7,42 6,55 7,68 +3,5%
Former Federal territory 7,96 6,81 7,94 7,12 8,19 7,21 8,45 +3,2%
New Federal states 11,51 10,30 11,46 10,58 11,88 10,64 12,26 +3,2%
(e) estimated by CLAL
Last update: 05-10-2024
Processed by CLAL
Number of Dairy Cows
German Länder May
± on
Baden-Württemberg 319.540 315.337 314.473 314.796 310.855 309.148 305.836 -1,1%
Bayern 1.102.479 1.086.209 1.082.827 1.078.276 1.070.895 1.056.855 1.050.809 -0,6%
Berlin 112 108 115 111 106 102 97 -4,9%
Brandenburg 134.545 132.351 131.182 128.947 126.696 123.621 121.667 -1,6%
Bremen 3.306 3.147 3.074 3.162 3.171 3.023 2.991 -1,1%
Hamburg 1.152 1.136 1.120 1.184 1.173 1.029 952 -7,5%
Hessen 127.481 124.857 124.436 122.606 122.023 119.579 117.760 -1,5%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 156.850 153.153 152.361 151.354 150.649 149.230 147.380 -1,2%
Niedersachsen 809.498 798.278 801.349 804.170 799.337 783.835 776.508 -0,9%
Nordrhein-Westfalen 387.862 384.215 381.574 383.400 378.939 375.141 368.240 -1,8%
Rheinland-Pfalz 100.023 98.537 97.389 97.178 95.868 94.264 92.191 -2,2%
Saarland 12.499 12.500 12.415 12.363 12.189 11.921 11.368 -4,6%
Sachsen 174.491 171.898 170.055 169.138 167.979 164.343 162.607 -1,1%
Sachsen-Anhalt 106.476 103.628 102.225 101.164 101.137 97.692 95.561 -2,2%
Schleswig-Holstein 364.856 360.245 357.034 357.574 350.685 341.631 333.184 -2,5%
Thüringen 90.339 87.117 85.692 84.294 83.489 81.401 81.139 -0,3%
Total Germany 3.891.509 3.832.716 3.817.321 3.809.717 3.775.191 3.712.815 3.668.290 -2,8%
Former Federal territory 3.228.808 3.184.569 3.175.806 3.174.820 3.145.241 3.096.528 3.059.936 -2,7%
New Federal states 662.701 648.147 641.515 634.897 629.950 616.287 608.354 -3,4%
(e) estimated by CLAL
Last update: 26-06-2024
Source: Statistisches Bundesamt
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