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Production of Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO, Italy

On this page, you will find the monthly data for Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO production.

The Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO is a dairy product, symbol of our agriculture and heritage of typicality that Southern Italy territories can express.

It is registered like a product with a protect designation of origin with the Reg n° 634/2010 of the European Commission of 19 July 2010.

The bond with her “OLDER” milk sister is indissoluble, the Mozzarella di Bufala Campania PDO. The production specification provides exclusively for the use of “sweet” whey coming from mozzarella processing, with the eventual addition of buffalo milk and/or whey cream of the same milk coming from farms of the area PDO.

It is suitable for all ages and types of consumers, also loved by chefs and pastry chefs because it represents a very versatile product in kitchen preparations of both sweet and savory dishes.

The protection consortium, authorized by the MIPAAF in 2017, represents the only organization recognised by the Ministry of Agricultural, food and forestry policies for protection, supervision, enhancement and promotion of buffalo ricotta from Campania.

Consult the official website for more informations: www.ricottadibufalacampanadop.it

Source: Consorzio di Tutela della Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO.

Month 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± % on
± % on
January 6.936 10.394 9.164 16.371 +78,6% +57,5%
February 8.770 7.720 10.040 12.848 +28,0% +66,4%
March 11.703 11.168 10.209 20.692 +102,7% +85,3%
April 8.478 11.997 10.000 12.789 +27,9% +6,6%
May 15.035 8.036 11.670 17.702 +51,7% +120,3%
June 10.548 10.204 13.466 22.417 +66,5% +119,7%
July 14.061 15.655 13.472 19.404 +44,0% +23,9%
August 15.526 14.449 12.154 19.075 +56,9% +32,0%
September 10.543 11.714 12.202 22.630 +85,5% +93,2%
October 13.550 9.444 14.126 17.634 +24,8% +86,7%
November 12.683 10.541 15.573 25.406 +63,1% +141,0%
December 11.660 13.585 12.747 23.574 +84,9% +73,5%
Total Year 139.494 134.907 144.823 230.542
% y-o-y ¹ +62,6% -3,3% +7,4% +59,2%
Last Update: 27-01-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year
Source: DQA Certification
Min Production in the last 4 years
Max Production in the last 4 years