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Caseins, Japan

On this page, you will find the monthly average price data for Caseins, as recorded in Japan.

The prices collected over the last three years are listed in the table, while the graphs below illustrates price trends in € and in local currency.

The graphs below give us:
  • a historical overview of Caseins price in Japan;
  • a comparative overview of Caseins price in Japan and the US.
JPY/kg - € per 100 kg (VAT not included)
Survey Date 2022
± on prev. month
( JPY )
± on 2023
( JPY )
± on prev. month
( € )
± on 2023
( € )
January 1.330,27 1.023,21 2.275,05 1.618,75 1.818,72 1.140,56 -8,54% -20,06% -9,83% -29,54%
February 1.346,95 1.030,91 2.148,18 1.508,79 1.717,76 1.064,44 -5,55% -20,04% -6,67% -29,45%
March 1.479,07 1.131,56 2.316,61 1.619,89 1.775,46 1.090,76 +3,36% -23,36% +2,47% -32,66%
April 1.528,40 1.118,84 2.316,47 1.581,09 1.801,30 1.091,50 +1,46% -22,24% +0,07% -30,97%
May 1.666,00 1.222,83 2.170,63 1.457,85 1.748,04 1.037,19 -2,96% -19,47% -4,98% -28,85%
June 1.716,00 1.212,13 2.157,20 1.408,57 1.813,97 1.068,22 +3,77% -15,91% +2,99% -24,16%
July 1.824,00 1.310,59 2.246,33 1.440,54 1.811,46 1.058,28 -0,14% -19,36% -0,93% -26,54%
August 1.905,00 1.391,99 2.135,00 1.351,59 1.733,08 1.075,25 -4,33% -18,83% +1,60% -20,45%
September 2.202,00 1.555,43 2.152,85 1.364,33 1.661,06 1.044,16 -4,16% -22,84% -2,89% -23,47%
October 2.177,00 1.504,23 2.035,60 1.288,02    
November 2.332,00 1.606,90 1.813,49 1.120,43    
December 2.307,99 1.615,98 1.988,53 1.264,86    
Avg Annual Price 1.817,89 1.310,38 2.146,33 1.418,73 1.764,54 1.074,48
Change (1) +66,7% +56,0% +18,1% +8,3% -20,3% -27,6%
1) change from the same period of previous year
(e) = estimated price
Conversion in € is calculated using the average exchange rate of the reference month.
The Caseins statistical code is HS350110, including all types of Caseins.
Source: Ministry of Finance, “Japan Exports and Imports”


2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 1.061 1.268 856 893 923 1.330 2.275 1.819 -8,54% -20,06%
February 1.026 1.239 849 913 900 1.347 2.148 1.718 -5,55% -20,04%
March 1.036 1.237 868 911 981 1.479 2.317 1.775 +3,36% -23,36%
April 1.076 1.254 835 946 979 1.528 2.316 1.801 +1,46% -22,24%
May 929 1.252 855 944 973 1.666 2.171 1.748 -2,96% -19,47%
June 930 1.240 861 945 1.073 1.716 2.157 1.814 +3,77% -15,91%
July 762 1.264 870 974 1.064 1.824 2.246 1.811 -0,14% -19,36%
August 772 1.241 848 930 1.135 1.905 2.135 1.733 -4,33% -18,83%
September 639 1.238 835 949 1.197 2.202 2.153 1.661 -4,16% -22,84%
October 600 1.246 864 932 1.244 2.177 2.036
November 604 1.239 872 902 1.288 2.332 1.813
December 604 1.313 879 908 1.331 2.308 1.989
Jan - Sep 915 1.248 853 934 1.025 1.666 2.213 1.765
Change (1) - +36,47% -31,65% +9,47% +9,77% +62,56% +32,81% -20,27%
Jan - Dec 837 1.253 858 929 1.091 1.818 2.146
Change (1) - +49,73% -31,52% +8,30% +17,42% +66,66% +18,07%
Ministry of Finance, “Japan Exports and Imports”
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
  min price
max price