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Farm-gate milk prices, Brazil

This page contains the weighted monthly average price data for farm-gate Milk recorded in Brazil.
The average price has to be considered as the result of the weighted average price for milk recorded in the following Brazil states: Goias, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande de Soul, San Paulo, Paranà, Bahia.

Farm-gate milk prices for "States" »

The prices collected over the last three years are listed in the table, while the graphs below illustrates price trends in € and in local currency. Furthermore, time series and the chart are available for monthly average prices, in local currency.

The comparison table and the graph gives you a historical overview of milk prices in the Brazil compared with Europe.
R$/Lt - € per 100 Lt.
Month 2017
€\100 Lt
€\100 Lt
€\100 Lt
± on prev. mo.
± on 2018
± on prev. mo.
€\100 Lt
± on 2018
€\100 Lt
January 1,32 38,96 1,12 28,59 1,52 35,48 +9,93% +35,29% +13,83% +24,10%
February 1,34 40,61 1,18 29,30 1,58 37,44 +4,37% +34,57% +5,52% +27,80%
March 1,37 40,97 1,27 31,32 1,60 36,80 +0,89% +26,00% -1,71% +17,49%
April 1,39 41,20 1,37 32,78 1,62 37,07 +1,62% +18,27% +0,73% +13,06%
May 1,38 38,97 1,41 32,83 1,63 36,41 +0,59% +15,77% -1,78% +10,89%
June 1,34 36,40 1,59 36,17 1,51 34,54 -7,67% -5,48% -5,14% -4,51%
July 1,26 34,14 1,66 37,06 1,45 34,10 -3,94% -12,81% -1,26% -7,98%
August 1,19 31,96 1,59 34,98 1,47 32,99 +1,85% -7,14% -3,24% -5,66%
September 1,11 29,68 1,55 32,26 1,47 32,34 -0,53% -5,40% -1,97% +0,25%
October 1,10 29,44 1,47 33,88 1,45 32,08 -1,04% -1,03% -0,83% -5,34%
November 1,10 28,85 1,34 31,21 1,45 31,63 +0,12% +8,25% -1,38% +1,35%
December 1,09 27,92 1,38 31,17 1,45 31,77 0,00% +5,35% +0,44% +1,93%
Gen - Dec 1,24 34,63 1,41 32,60 1,51 ** 34,30 **
Variazione (1) -8,5% -3,0% +13,4% -5,9% +7,4% +5,2%
Weighted Average 1,24 34,63 1,41 32,60
Variazione(1) -8,5% -3,0% +13,4% -5,9%
** Variation on the Arithmetic Average Yearly Price
1) Variation in percentage compared to the same period of the previous year.
NOTE: Quoted until 31/12/2019.
(Cepea, 29/01/2020 - Seguindo a diretriz de transparência e neutralidade que o Cepea vem tentando construir junto aos seus parceiros, decidimos por manter a resolução que foi aceita pelos agentes de mercado presentes na reunião realizada em fevereiro de 2019. A divulgação dos preços brutos fica, assim, interrompida e mais discussões sobre a necessidade ou não de retomá-la deverão ser estabelecidas junto aos parceiros na reunião anual do grupo.
La conversione in € è calcolata utilizzando il cambio medio del mese di riferimento.
Série de preços médios NOMINAIS do Leite pagos ao produtor (R$/L) valores brutos (inclusos frete, CESSR)

Source: CEPEA
R$/Lt - € per 100 Lt.
Month 2022
€\100 Lt
€\100 Lt
€\100 Lt
± on prev. mo.
± on 2023
± on prev. mo.
€\100 Lt
± on 2023
€\100 Lt
January 2,14 34,14 2,66 47,49 2,13 39,85 +4,98% -19,81% +4,70% -16,10%
February 2,21 37,53 2,73 49,25 2,23 41,72 +4,68% -18,07% +4,70% -15,28%
March 2,43 44,22 2,81 50,41 2,33 43,00 +4,22% -17,18% +3,07% -14,69%
April 2,54 49,56 2,90 52,66 2,46 44,70 +5,52% -15,14% +3,95% -15,11%
May 2,68 51,09 2,72 50,32 2,71 48,83 +10,33% -0,42% +9,23% -2,97%
June 3,19 60,01 2,56 48,52 2,75 47,55 +1,51% +7,65% -2,62% -2,00%
July 3,57 65,26 2,41 45,47 2,72 45,33 -1,09% +12,77% -4,66% -0,29%
August 3,05 58,48 2,25 42,11
September 2,85 54,99 2,05 38,87
October 2,70 52,20 1,97 36,78
November 2,53 46,96 2,00 37,70
December 2,52 45,36 2,03 38,06
Gen - Jul 2,68 48,63 2,68 49,10 2,48 ** 44,43 **
Variazione (1) +26,7% +47,7% +0,2% +1,0% -7,7% ** -9,6% **
Weighted Average 2,70 49,91 2,41 44,56
Variazione(1) +25,0% +47,1% -10,7% -10,7%
** Variation on the Arithmetic Average Yearly Price
1) Variation in percentage compared to the same period of the previous year.
NOTE: La conversione in € è calcolata utilizzando il cambio medio del mese di riferimento.

Source: CEPEA
2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ± on prev.
± on
January 0,60 0,99 0,92 1,10 1,32 1,12 1,52 +9,93% +35,29%
February 0,61 1,02 0,94 1,15 1,34 1,18 1,58 +4,37% +34,57%
March 0,63 1,08 0,98 1,21 1,37 1,27 1,60 +0,89% +26,00%
April 0,66 1,10 1,01 1,27 1,39 1,37 1,62 +1,62% +18,27%
May 0,71 1,10 1,04 1,33 1,38 1,41 1,63 +0,59% +15,77%
June 0,77 1,10 1,06 1,50 1,34 1,59 1,51 -7,67% -5,48%
July 0,77 1,10 1,08 1,69 1,26 1,66 1,45 -3,94% -12,81%
August 0,74 1,09 1,07 1,64 1,19 1,59 1,47 +1,85% -7,14%
September 0,70 1,07 1,06 1,51 1,11 1,55 1,47 -0,53% -5,40%
October 0,64 1,02 1,05 1,34 1,10 1,47 1,45 -1,04% -1,03%
November 0,60 0,98 1,05 1,30 1,10 1,34 1,45 +0,12% +8,25%
December 0,60 0,93 1,06 1,30 1,09 1,38 1,45 0,00% +5,35%
AVG Weighted Price 0,67 1,05 1,03 1,36 1,24 1,41 1,51
Change (1) +57,4% -1,8% +32,1% -8,5% +13,4% +7,4%
Source: CEPEA
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for year 2014, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
** Avg Annual Price
  min price in the last 5 years
  max price in the last 5 years
2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± on
January 0,56 0,91 1,41 1,42 1,99 2,14 2,66 2,13 +4,98% -19,81%
February 0,57 0,94 1,48 1,44 1,94 2,21 2,73 2,23 +4,68% -18,07%
March 0,59 1,00 1,49 1,45 1,98 2,43 2,81 2,33 +4,22% -17,18%
April 0,62 1,02 1,52 1,38 2,04 2,54 2,90 2,46 +5,52% -15,14%
May 0,67 1,01 1,53 1,51 2,20 2,68 2,72 2,71 +10,33% -0,42%
June 0,73 1,01 1,41 1,76 2,31 3,19 2,56 2,75 +1,51% +7,65%
July 0,73 1,01 1,35 1,94 2,36 3,57 2,41 2,72 -1,09% +12,77%
August 0,70 1,00 1,37 2,13 2,38 3,05 2,25
September 0,66 0,98 1,36 2,16 2,33 2,85 2,05
October 0,60 0,94 1,35 2,04 2,19 2,70 1,97
November 0,57 0,90 1,35 2,13 2,12 2,53 2,00
December 0,57 0,84 1,37 2,03 2,11 2,52 2,03
AVG Weighted Price 0,63 0,96 1,41 1,79 2,16 2,70 2,41 2,48 **
Change (1) +53,2% +46,8% +26,8% +20,5% +25,0% -10,7% -7,7% **
Source: CEPEA
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
** Avg Annual Price
  min price in the last 5 years
  max price in the last 5 years
€/100 kg BRAZIL
Farm-gate raw Milk
Farm-gate raw Milk

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 26,53 21,99 34,74 25,27 32,13 29,88 29,63 33,11 46,07 38,65 +4.70% -16.10% 46,45 -0.28% -16.67%
February 25,95 23,07 36,20 25,98 33,95 29,46 28,73 36,40 47,77 40,47 +4.70% -15.28% 46,30 -0.32% -13.20%
March 25,51 26,06 36,53 27,77 33,38 26,08 28,61 42,89 48,89 41,71 +3.07% -14.69% 46,38 +0.17% -7.74%
April 27,60 27,80 36,74 29,10 33,65 23,13 29,67 48,07 51,08 43,36 +3.95% -15.11% 46,09 -0.63% -3.01%
May 27,12 29,51 34,74 29,29 33,08 23,87 33,12 49,55 48,81 47,36 +9.23% -2.97% 45,97 -0.26% +1.06%
June 27,09 34,74 32,40 32,55 31,29 29,20 36,93 58,21 47,06 46,12 -2.62% -2.00% 46,01 +0.09% +3.86%
July 27,30 42,17 30,35 33,51 30,79 31,10 37,56 63,29 44,10 43,97 -4.66% -0.29% 46,41 +0.87% +6.13%
August 24,41 41,13 28,27 31,54 29,82 32,12 37,35 56,72 40,85 46,82 +0.88% +7.58%
September 21,61 37,16 26,13 29,09 29,19 32,56 36,48 53,34 37,70
October 21,52 34,02 25,87 30,56 28,95 29,95 33,02 50,63 35,67
November 23,11 32,04 25,38 27,86 28,60 32,06 32,43 45,55 36,57
December 22,23 32,56 24,49 28,16 29,04 31,49 32,05 43,99 36,92
Average Weighted Price 24,94 31,87 30,72 29,20 31,08 29,36 32,90 48,41 43,22
Change (1) -16.71% +27.79% -3.63% -4.94% +6.42% -5.51% +12.04% +47.13% -10.71%
Avg Annual Price 25,00 31,85 30,99 29,22 31,16 29,24 32,96 48,48 43,46 43,09 46,30**
Change (1) -93.06% +27.42% -2.72% -5.69% +6.62% -6.15% +12.73% +47.07% -10.36% -9.63% -3.51%**
Source: CEPEA
1) change from the same period of previous year
** Avg Annual Price
EU-27: Weighted average, excl. VAT, incl quality
  min price
  max price