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Farm-gate milk prices, United Kingdom

On this page, you will find the monthly average price data for farm-gate raw milk, as recorded in United Kingdom.

The prices collected the last years are listed in the tables, while the graphs illustrates price trends over the last three years.
Furthermore, time series are available for monthly average prices.

The graph below gives us a historical overview of milk prices in United Kingdom, compared with the price trends of farm-gate milk in Bavaria (Germany) and in Lombardy (Italy).
euro per 100 lt
Survey Date 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± on
January 33,35 42,49 56,09 44,80 +1.80% -20.13%
February 34,30 43,17 53,26 45,36 +1.26% -14.82%
March 34,59 44,84 49,43 45,41 +0.11% -8.12%
April 33,99 46,11 44,77 44,84 -1.26% +0.16%
May 34,94 48,01 42,36 44,45 -0.88% +4.91%
June 35,09 50,82 42,02 45,99 +3.48% +9.45%
July 35,60 54,84 41,55 47,51 +3.31% +14.37%
August 36,65 56,31 42,22 48,25 +1.55% +14.30%
September 36,85 56,34 42,28
October 38,56 58,19 42,72
November 39,83 58,98 43,45
December 40,66 59,34 44,01
Media Ponderata 36,13 51,50 45,34
Variazione (1) +12.42% +42.55% -11.96%
Media Aritmetica 36,20 51,62 45,35 45,83
Variazione (1) +12.50% +42.59% -12.15% -1.36%
1) change from the same period of previous year
Source: DEFRA
n.q.: not quoted
The table and the data are subject to CLAL website's legal notes.
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Farm-gate raw Milk
Farm-gate raw Milk(2)

Farm-gate raw Milk(2)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 33,37 29,66 30,36 33,33 32,41 32,93 32,35 41,21 54,41 43,45 +1.80% -20.13% 43,92 +1.67% -22.85% 48,50 (e) +2.04% -16.67%
February 32,84 27,68 31,25 32,26 32,62 33,14 33,27 41,87 51,66 44,00 +1.26% -14.82% 44,22 +0.68% -15.72% 48,50 (e) 0.00% -13.04%
March 33,51 27,79 30,79 31,29 32,68 30,99 33,55 43,49 47,94 44,05 +0.11% -8.12% 44,67 +1.02% -7.09% 48,98 (e) +1.00% -12.17%
April 33,12 26,40 30,78 30,47 31,77 30,30 32,97 44,72 43,42 43,49 -1.26% +0.16% 44,79 +0.27% -0.80% 49,95 (e) +1.98% -4.63%
May 32,38 25,41 30,34 29,62 30,98 29,21 33,89 46,56 41,09 43,11 -0.88% +4.91% 45,08 +0.65% +4.04% 49,95 (e) 0.00% -2.83%
June 31,96 24,48 29,58 30,00 30,47 29,30 34,03 49,29 40,76 44,61 +3.48% +9.45% 45,53 +1.00% +9.68% 50,92 (e) +1.94% +0.96%
July 32,30 23,92 30,49 31,21 30,59 29,73 34,53 53,19 40,30 46,09 +3.31% +14.37% 46,29 +1.67% +14.10% 51,89 (e) +1.90% +3.88%
August 31,69 24,34 30,93 32,09 30,32 30,20 35,55 54,62 40,95 46,80 +1.55% +14.30% 47,20 (e) +1.97% +16.86% 52,38 (e) +0.93% +6.93%
September 31,45 25,79 33,00 33,21 31,80 30,94 35,74 54,65 41,01
October 32,30 26,23 34,63 34,55 32,58 32,06 37,40 56,44 41,44
November 33,20 28,60 34,89 34,77 33,78 33,19 38,63 57,21 42,14
December 31,91 30,11 34,75 32,84 33,67 32,54 39,44 57,56 42,68
Average Weighted Price 32,50 26,69 31,77 32,08 31,94 31,17 35,04 49,95 43,97
Change (1) - -17.89% +19.04% +0.98% -0.43% -2.42% +12.42% +42.55% -11.96%
Avg Annual Price 32,50 26,70 31,82 32,14 31,97 31,21 35,11 50,07 43,98 44,45 45,21** 50,13**
Change (1) - -17.85% +19.16% +1.01% -0.51% -2.39% +12.50% +42.59% -12.15% -1.36% -1.83%** -5.16%**
Source: DEFRA
1) change from the same period of previous year
2) VAT not included
** Avg Annual Price
(e) = estimated price
  min price
  max price