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Italy: Pecorino Romano PDO Cheese Production

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This page contains data of Italian production of Pecorino Romano P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin) Cheese, both in terms of tons of cheese, and in terms of hectoliter s of milk used.

The data are presented in a diachronic table of the last 3 dairy seasons (October-July) and displayed with a graph that shows the seasonal evolution.
The following graphs show the evolution, monthly and yearly, of milk deliveries to dairies in relation to the volumes of milk destined for the production of Pecorino Romano.

Two tables below show the data on cheese production and milk used, organized by Region (Sardinia and Lazio), with the possibility of consulting them also by Province.

The graphs below compare:
  • the historical trend of Pecorino Romano PDO production with the average price of Pecorino Romano DOP aged for 5 months, listed on the Milan Chamber of Commerce
  • the historical monthly change of Pecorino Romano PDO production, over the same month of previous year, with the average price of Pecorino Romano DOP aged for 5 months, listed on the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
Pecorino Romano PDO Cheese Production (Cheese production season)
month2 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 ± % Tons of
product on
± % Tons of
product on
Pecorino Romano PDO (Ton) Pecorino Romano PDO (Ton) Milk Conferred* (hL) Total Milk** (hL) Pecorino Romano PDO (Ton) Milk Conferred* (hL) Total Milk** (hL) Pecorino Romano PDO (Ton) Milk Conferred* (hL) Total Milk** (hL) Pecorino Romano PDO (Ton)
October 9 12 1.913 (p) 1.159 (p) 22 (p) 5.651 (p) 2.497 (p) 47 (p) 8.129 1.676 31 -34,0% +41,4%
November 97 154 21.135 (p) 13.424 (p) 240 (p) 31.551 (p) 18.152 (p) 320 (p) 43.487 14.841 261 -18,4% +8,5%
December 1.200 2.218 148.926 (p) 100.448 (p) 1.709 (p) 165.602 (p) 127.904 (p) 2.155 (p) 199.868 142.218 2.400 +11,4% +40,5%
January 3.239 3.993 285.543 (p) 192.478 (p) 3.282 (p) 299.225 225.228 3.897 348.863 262.542 4.467 +14,6% +36,1%
February 4.365 4.297 323.675 (p) 239.933 (p) 4.055 (p) 335.911 264.519 4.510 399.417 312.997 5.306 +17,6% +30,8%
March 5.673 5.902 417.463 (p) 327.785 (p) 5.512 (p) 439.041 371.137 6.259 488.069 391.396 6.634 +6,0% +20,3%
April 6.274 6.633 469.115 (p) 383.260 (p) 6.453 (p) 494.985 405.318 6.750 533.700 423.641 7.125 +5,6% +10,4%
May 5.510 5.731 425.130 (p) 354.104 (p) 6.035 (p) 433.332 363.311 6.266 459.284 372.894 6.389 +2,0% +5,9%
June 3.288 3.537 256.549 (p) 195.204 (p) 3.459 (p) 285.228 232.596 4.141 304.819 233.199 4.182 +1,0% +20,9%
July 1.254 1.806 139.539 (p) 100.465 (p) 1.836 (p) 169.397 127.863 2.310 181.748 134.682 2.449 +6,0% +33,4%
Oct-Jul 30.909 34.282 2.488.987 1.908.260 32.602 2.659.923 2.138.524 36.655 2.967.384 2.290.085 39.244
% y-o-y¹ +14,7% +10,9% -5,1% -4,3% -4,9% +6,9% +12,1% +12,4% +11,6% +7,1% +7,1%
Dairy Season 30.909 34.282 2.488.987 1.908.260 32.602 2.659.923 2.138.524 36.655
% y-o-y +14,7% +10,9% -5,1% -4,3% -4,9% +6,9% +12,1% +12,4%
Last update: 12-09-2024
* Milk deliveries to dairies producing Pecorino Romano PDO Cheese
** Milk used for Pecorino Romano PDO Cheese production
(p) provisional
1) change from the same period of previous year
2) Cheese production season (from October to July)
Cheese paste at 24 hours from the production.
Data may undergo non-significant changes.
Source: Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino Romano - dati certificati Organismo di Controllo IFCQ
Visit the page below:
Dairy Season October 2018 - July 2019
Pecorino Romano PDO Cheese Production 2017 - 2018 (Tons)
Region Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Tot d.s.
± on d.s.
Sardegna - - - 3.654 4.407 5.748 6.678 5.726 3.727 1.562 31.503 -
Cagliari - - - 266 383 509 627 542 400 160 2.887 +inf%
Nuoro - - - 935 1.100 1.435 1.623 1.378 890 387 7.747 +inf%
Oristano - - - 423 355 510 564 534 419 264 3.068 +inf%
Sassari - - - 2.030 2.570 3.293 3.865 3.273 2.019 752 17.801 +inf%
Lazio - - - 129 133 164 228 214 129 88 1.085 -
Roma - - - 33 40 42 61 60 34 34 303 +inf%
Viterbo - - - 96 93 122 167 154 95 54 782 +inf%
Italy - - - 3.783 4.540 5.912 6.906 5.940 3.856 1.650 32.588
Source: Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino Romano - dati certificati Organismo di Controllo IFCQ
* change from same period of previous year.
d.s.: Dairy Season
Milk used for the production of Pecorino Romano PDO 2017 - 2018 (hL)
Region Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Tot d.s.
± on d.s.
Sardegna - - - 220.758 258.002 336.452 399.175 329.380 206.082 84.335 1.834.184 -
Cagliari - - - 15.975 22.558 30.177 37.853 31.336 21.855 8.460 168.213 +inf%
Nuoro - - - 55.426 64.439 83.721 95.634 78.758 49.032 20.821 447.831 +inf%
Oristano - - - 26.446 21.773 30.822 34.385 30.804 23.339 14.516 182.084 +inf%
Sassari - - - 122.912 149.231 191.732 231.302 188.483 111.857 40.539 1.036.056 +inf%
Lazio - - - 6.854 7.085 8.781 12.553 11.641 6.991 5.043 58.947 -
Roma - - - 1.740 2.100 2.201 3.330 3.090 1.800 2.115 16.376 +inf%
Viterbo - - - 5.114 4.985 6.580 9.223 8.551 5.191 2.928 42.571 +inf%
Italy - - - 227.612 265.086 345.233 411.727 341.021 213.073 89.379 1.893.131
Source: Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino Romano - dati certificati Organismo di Controllo IFCQ
* change from same period of previous year.