Farm-gate milk prices, Slovak Republic
On this page, you will find the monthly average prices data for farm-gate raw milk as recorded in Slovakia.
The pie chart shows the share of milk deliveries by Class, while the graph below shows a historical overview of milk prices in Slovakia compared with the price trend in Germany.
The prices collected over the last three years are listed in the table, while the graphs to the side illustrate price trends over the last three years.
The final table displays the time series of the monthly average prices of the last years.
In Slovakia there are three classes of milk reported (as you already noticed): Class Q, Class 1 and non-standard:
-Class Q: Bacterial Count less than 50.000/ml and Somatic Cells Count less than 300.000/ml
-Class 1: Bacterial Count from 50.000/ml to 100.000/ml and Somatic Cells Count from 300.000/ml to 400.000/ml
-Not-Standard Class: Bacterial Count greater than 100.000/ml and Somatic Cells Count greater than 400.000/ml
Slovak Republic Monthly average prices of farm-gate milk (Class Q) (Surovè kravskè mlieko Q. trieda Priem.) |
€ per 100 kg (VAT not included) | ||||||
Survey Date | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
± on prev. month |
± on 2023 |
January | 32,35 | 37,15 | 50,90 | 44,08 | +0.18% | -13.40% |
February | 32,13 | 38,09 | 49,49 | 44,53 | +1.02% | -10.02% |
March | 32,36 | 39,07 | 48,13 | 42,98 | -3.48% | -10.70% |
April | 32,18 | 39,65 | 46,12 | 42,28 | -1.63% | -8.33% |
May | 32,21 | 40,46 | 44,29 | 42,04 | -0.57% | -5.08% |
June | 31,94 | 42,07 | 42,40 | 41,74 | -0.71% | -1.56% |
July | 32,06 | 43,83 | 41,05 | 42,00 | +0.62% | +2.31% |
August | 31,82 | 45,64 | 40,93 | 42,05 | +0.12% | +2.74% |
September | 32,90 | 47,95 | 40,91 | 43,25 | +2.85% | +5.72% |
October | 33,72 | 49,72 | 41,96 | 44,58 | +3.08% | +6.24% |
November | 34,65 | 51,10 | 43,46 | |||
December | 35,51 | 51,48 | 44,00 | |||
Media Ponderata | 32,79 | 43,72 | 44,50 | |||
Variazione (1) | +0.65% | +33.32% | +1.78% | |||
Media Aritmetica | 32,82 | 43,85 | 44,47 | 42,95 | ||
Variazione (1) | +0.74% | +33.61% | +1.41% | -3.73% | ||
1) change from the same period of previous year Source: ATIS n.q.: not quoted The table and the data are subject to CLAL website's legal notes. |
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Slovak Republic Monthly average prices of farm-gate milk (Class 1) (Surovè kravskè mlieko I. trieda Priem.) |
€ per 100 kg (VAT not included) | ||||||
Survey Date | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
± on prev. month |
± on 2023 |
January | 31,53 | 37,40 | 51,60 | 43,92 | - | -14.88% |
February | 31,32 | 38,30 | 50,49 | n.q. | - | - |
March | 31,98 | 38,08 | 49,77 | 42,37 | - | -14.87% |
April | 32,83 | 39,80 | 47,21 | n.q. | - | - |
May | 31,41 | 40,31 | 45,07 | 41,45 | - | -8.03% |
June | 31,62 | 41,41 | 43,02 | n.q. | - | - |
July | 31,13 | 43,29 | 41,68 | n.q. | - | - |
August | 32,10 | 44,77 | n.q. | n.q. | - | - |
September | 32,75 | 45,50 | 41,03 | 42,69 | - | +4.05% |
October | 33,49 | 48,78 | 41,37 | 44,21 | +3.56% | +6.86% |
November | 34,35 | 50,15 | 42,51 | |||
December | 35,52 | 51,18 | n.q. | |||
Media Ponderata | 32,47 | 43,13 | 37,94 | |||
Variazione (1) | +1.42% | +32.81% | -12.03% | |||
Media Aritmetica | 32,50 | 43,25 | 37,81 | 21,46 | ||
Variazione (1) | +1.53% | +33.06% | -12.57% | -47.81% | ||
1) change from the same period of previous year Source: ATIS n.q.: not quoted The table and the data are subject to CLAL website's legal notes. |
Slovak Republic Monthly average prices of farm-gate milk (Not-Standard Class) (Surovè kravskè mlieko neÅ¡tandard trieda Priem.) |
€ per 100 kg (VAT not included) | ||||||
Survey Date | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
± on prev. month |
± on 2023 |
January | 25,92 | 31,91 | 47,23 | 38,92 | - | -17.59% |
February | 27,42 | 32,94 | 41,94 | n.q. | - | - |
March | 26,96 | 33,55 | 45,05 | 37,76 | - | -16.18% |
April | 25,57 | 34,69 | 42,50 | n.q. | - | - |
May | 27,59 | 35,53 | 39,83 | 34,58 | - | -13.18% |
June | 28,02 | 35,54 | 34,45 | n.q. | - | - |
July | 27,21 | 35,73 | 35,61 | n.q. | - | - |
August | 27,76 | 37,62 | n.q. | n.q. | - | - |
September | 28,20 | 38,39 | 35,61 | 38,61 | - | +8.42% |
October | 27,87 | 42,47 | 39,68 | 42,13 | +9.12% | +6.17% |
November | 29,92 | 43,07 | 40,94 | |||
December | 27,93 | 43,60 | n.q. | |||
Media Ponderata | 27,50 | 36,99 | 33,68 | |||
Variazione (1) | -5.51% | +34.52% | -8.95% | |||
Media Aritmetica | 27,53 | 37,09 | 33,57 | 19,20 | ||
Variazione (1) | -5.40% | +34.71% | -9.48% | -46.95% | ||
1) change from the same period of previous year Source: ATIS n.q.: not quoted The table and the data are subject to CLAL website's legal notes. |
€/100 kg | SLOVAKIA Farm-gate raw Milk (Class Q) |
GERMANY Farm-gate raw Milk(2) |
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | 2024 | % on prev. month | % on 2023 | |
January | 30,93 | 27,54 | 29,33 | 33,91 | 33,60 | 33,53 | 32,35 | 37,15 | 50,90 | 44,08 | +0.18% | -13.40% | 43,92 | +1.67% | -22.85% |
February | 29,97 | 27,05 | 29,62 | 33,29 | 33,39 | 33,45 | 32,13 | 38,09 | 49,49 | 44,53 | +1.02% | -10.02% | 44,22 | +0.68% | -15.72% |
March | 29,60 | 26,07 | 29,69 | 32,76 | 33,10 | 33,30 | 32,36 | 39,07 | 48,13 | 42,98 | -3.48% | -10.70% | 44,67 | +1.02% | -7.09% |
April | 29,43 | 24,89 | 30,06 | 31,70 | 33,00 | 33,08 | 32,18 | 39,65 | 46,12 | 42,28 | -1.63% | -8.33% | 44,79 | +0.27% | -0.80% |
May | 28,21 | 23,85 | 30,09 | 30,89 | 32,96 | 32,23 | 32,21 | 40,46 | 44,29 | 42,04 | -0.57% | -5.08% | 45,08 | +0.65% | +4.04% |
June | 27,47 | 23,34 | 30,30 | 30,94 | 32,50 | 32,05 | 31,94 | 42,07 | 42,40 | 41,74 | -0.71% | -1.56% | 45,53 | +1.00% | +9.68% |
July | 26,79 | 23,39 | 30,80 | 31,20 | 32,27 | 31,76 | 32,06 | 43,83 | 41,05 | 42,00 | +0.62% | +2.31% | 46,29 | +1.67% | +14.10% |
August | 26,74 | 23,69 | 31,26 | 31,51 | 32,34 | 31,91 | 31,82 | 45,64 | 40,93 | 42,05 | +0.12% | +2.74% | 47,30 | +2.18% | +17.11% |
September | 27,07 | 24,63 | 32,14 | 32,18 | 32,63 | 32,01 | 32,90 | 47,95 | 40,91 | 43,25 | +2.85% | +5.72% | 48,72 | +3.00% | +20.42% |
October | 27,32 | 25,99 | 33,34 | 32,79 | 33,03 | 32,34 | 33,72 | 49,72 | 41,96 | 44,58 | +3.08% | +6.24% | 50,87 | +4.41% | +23.11% |
November | 27,61 | 27,22 | 33,90 | 33,31 | 33,24 | 32,63 | 34,65 | 51,10 | 43,46 | 52,41 | +3.03% | +24.11% | |||
December | 27,63 | 28,46 | 34,11 | 33,41 | 33,40 | 32,64 | 35,51 | 51,48 | 44,00 | ||||||
Average Weighted Price | 28,24 | 25,49 | 31,17 | 32,30 | 32,95 | 32,58 | 32,79 | 43,72 | 44,50 | ||||||
Change (1) | - | -9.74% | +22.31% | +3.61% | +2.03% | -1.12% | +0.65% | +33.32% | +1.78% | ||||||
Avg Annual Price | 28,23 | 25,51 | 31,22 | 32,32 | 32,96 | 32,58 | 32,82 | 43,85 | 44,47 | 42,95 | 46,71** | ||||
Change (1) | - | -9.64% | +22.38% | +3.54% | +1.95% | -1.15% | +0.74% | +33.61% | +1.41% | -3.73% | +4.34%** | ||||
Source: ATIS 1) change from the same period of previous year 2) VAT not included ** Avg Annual Price |
min price | ||||||||||||||||
max price |