US: Calculation of the rate of Milk self-sufficiency |
2010 >>
2009 |
Customs Code |
Ton |
Yield * |
Milk Equivalent (tons) |
Milk Production ** (C) |
85.821.460 |
Imports: |
Bulk and pack. milk |
040110+040120 |
1.278 |
1,00 |
1.278 |
Milk & cream of >=6% fat |
040130 |
8.705 |
0 |
0 |
Yogurt |
0403 |
3.872 |
1,10 |
4.259 |
Cheese |
0406 |
162.499 |
9,08 |
1.475.925 |
Butter |
0405 |
27.590 |
0 |
0 |
Powders: |
- SMP |
040210 |
336 |
10,67 |
3.586 |
- WMP |
040221 - 040229 |
21.768 |
7,81 |
170.060 |
Condensed Milk |
040291+040299 |
18.642 |
2,00 |
37.284 |
Total IMPORT in Milk Equivalent (I) |
1.692.392 |
Exports: |
Bulk and pack. milk |
040110+040120 |
38.075 |
1,00 |
38.075 |
Milk & cream of >=6% fat |
040130 |
13.080 |
0 |
0 |
Yogurt |
0403 |
6.721 |
1,10 |
7.393 |
Cheese |
0406 |
109.879 |
9,08 |
997.992 |
Butter |
0405 |
29.823 |
0 |
0 |
Powders: |
- SMP |
040210 |
247.637 |
10,67 |
2.642.869 |
- WMP |
040221 - 040229 |
23.158 |
7,81 |
180.919 |
Condensed Milk |
040291+040299 |
14.133 |
2,00 |
28.265 |
Total EXPORT in Milk Equivalent (E) |
3.895.513 |
Calculated consumption in Milk Equivalent (C + I - E) |
83.618.339 |
Total milk used in Milk Equivalent (C + I) |
87.513.852 |
% import of total milk used in US ( I / (C + I) ) |
1,93% |
% Self-sufficiency in 2009 ( C / (C + I - E) ) |
102,63% |
* Volumes of milk necessary to obtain 1 kg of product - Source: Processed by CLAL
** Cow's milk production
Source Cow milk's deliveries: USDA
Source Import e Export: GTIS