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EU: Milk protein supply

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This page contains a chart showing the milk protein monthly changes in the EU milk deliveries, in comparison with the SMP and Cheese prices.

Protein changes, are calculated on the rolling year: for each month, the protein production is added to the production of the previous 11 months. With this method is always considered the total production in a 12-months time window, so it is possible to identify the trend without the effect of seasonality.

The chart below shows the three-year protein trend in the EU milk, while the table summarizes the average monthly prices of SMP.

It is also possible to consult the monthly protein variations in milk and a summary table of the last 12 months.

The conclusive visualization allows you to follow the use of proteins in the manufactured products.

Updates are detected twice a day. Last Update: February 18th, 2025, h: 00.00

Find out the monthly EU-28 milk protein supply in the largest European milk Producers: Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Ireland


2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 % on prev. month % on 2024
January 2.588 2.255 3.390 2.757 2.544 2.563 -0,63% +0,76%
February 2.595 2.349 3.592 2.581 2.512 2.538 -0,98% +1,02%
March 2.380 2.429 3.856 2.601 2.446
April 1.979 2.476 4.122 2.418 2.401
May 1.984 2.544 4.042 2.454 2.413
June 2.140 2.581 4.037 2.506 2.450
July 2.113 2.513 3.883 2.363 2.375
August 2.104 2.498 3.707 2.281 2.427
September 2.143 2.617 3.753 2.287 2.544
October 2.171 2.811 3.596 2.502 2.509
November 2.158 3.053 3.165 2.622 2.550
December 2.193 3.230 2.952 2.622 2.579
Jan - Feb 2.592 2.297 3.480 2.679 2.528 2.555
Change (1) - -11,38% +51,51% -23,02% -5,63% +1,06%
Jan - Dec 2.208 2.606 3.679 2.503 2.481
Change (1) - +18,04% +41,14% -31,97% -0,85%
Regulation (EU) No 2017/1185 Article 11
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
max price
EU: Protein content in EU milk deliveries
('000) Tons Dec '21 - Nov '22 Dec '22 - Nov '23 Dec '23 - Nov '24
Supply 4.932 4.976 5.025
± Y-o-Y -27 +44 +49


% protein content of the dairy products:

CHEESE AND OTHERS:Since there are different types, the protein for cheese and others is calculated by subtracting the total protein used in the production of the other dairy products from the total protein in the milk delivered.


The calculation of the milk protein is obtained by multiplying the monthly % of protein in milk (pcpropm) by the monthly milk deliveries (Deliveriespm) of each EU-27 country(p).

Sources for Milk Deliveries, % protein content in milk deliveries and production of dairy products: Eurostat, BLE, FEGA, AGEA
Sources for % protein content of the dairy products: IDF, milkingredients.ca, FAO