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Wholesale prices of cheeses

The chart and tables provide, in a given period of time, a comparison among the wholesale prices of Edamer cheese in some selected countries such as Poland, Slovak Rep. and Germany.
Edamer price trend in Germany seems to be the most steady, due, in particular, to the presence of a firm and widespread market .
Month 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 4.306 5.381 4.649 -5,89% -13,59%
February 4.428 4.936 4.692 +0,93% -4,93%
March 4.326 5.182 4.620 -1,55% -10,85%
April 4.471 4.658 4.534 -1,86% -2,66%
May 4.761 4.130 4.399 -2,97% +6,52%
June 4.913 4.155 4.306 -2,11% +3,64%
July 4.969 4.283 4.411 +2,42% +2,98%
August 4.963 4.297 4.423 +0,27% +2,92%
September 5.113 4.363 4.592 +3,83% +5,24%
October 5.194 4.702 4.790 +4,31% +1,86%
November 5.356 4.650 5.047 +5,37% +8,53%
December 5.343 4.940 4.988 -1,16% +0,97%
Average 4.821 4.628 4.596
Change¹ % +45,82% -4,01% -0,69%
Last Update:05-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Consult weekly wholesale prices
Source: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Departament Wspòlnej Organizacji Rynkòw Rolnych
  min price
  max price
Month 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 5.421 6.379 7.113 -4,44% +11,51%
February 5.300 6.484 6.975 -1,93% +7,58%
March 5.265 6.974 7.075 +1,43% +1,45%
April 5.252 7.583 7.114 +0,55% -6,18%
May 5.348 7.583 7.106 -0,11% -6,29%
June 5.334 7.660 7.084 -0,31% -7,52%
July 5.345 7.586 6.948 -1,92% -8,42%
August 5.445 7.577 7.063 +1,66% -6,78%
September 5.430 7.489 6.932 -1,86% -7,44%
October 5.458 7.500 6.986 +0,77% -6,86%
November 5.403 7.495 7.053 +0,96% -5,90%
December 5.312 7.443 7.006 -0,66% -5,87%
Average 5.360 7.320 7.040
Change¹ % +2,75% +36,58% -3,83%
Last Update:06-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Consult weekly wholesale prices
Source: ATIS
  min price
  max price
Month 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 4.156 4.100 4.100 +1,65% 0,00%
February 4.400 3.475 4.150 +1,22% +19,42%
March 4.620 3.370 4.150 0,00% +23,15%
April 4.925 3.500 4.150 0,00% +18,57%
May 5.125 3.510 4.100 -1,20% +16,81%
June 5.310 3.594 4.100 0,00% +14,09%
July 5.350 3.644 4.100 0,00% +12,52%
August 5.350 3.650 4.181 +1,98% +14,55%
September 5.350 3.650 4.319 +3,29% +18,32%
October 5.350 3.719 4.580 +6,05% +23,16%
November 5.255 3.919 4.681 +2,21% +19,46%
December 4.783 4.033 4.700 +0,40% +16,53%
Average 5.013 3.663 4.246
Change¹ % +51,37% -26,93% +15,93%
Last Update:04-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Consult weekly wholesale prices
Source: ZMP; since May 6,2009 "Süddeutsche Butter - und Käsebörse eV, Kempten"
  min price
  max price