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Palm Oil, Malaysia

This page contains the wholesale prices for Palm Oil, produced in Malaysia. Prices are recorded weekly on the Rotterdam market.

The Palm Oil prices recorded over the last ten weeks are listed in the table:
  • first and second columns show Crude Palm Oil (CPO) CIF Rotterdam prices in USD/ton and their conversion in €/ton;
  • third column is calculated by adding to the Crude Oil Palm price expressed in €/ton:
    1. the import duty (+3,8%)
    2. the costs to unload and transport to the refinery (17 €/ton)
    3. the refining cost and premium (+7,5% + 50 €/ton)
    4. the additional cost for package in 25 kg boxes (+115 €/ton)
b, c and d costs are approximate according to a Clal survey.

The graph to the side illustrates calculated price trends over the last three years.

The graphs below show:
  • a comparative overview between prices of Malaysian Palm Oil (25 kg Box) and Italian Margarine;
  • a comparative overview between prices of Malaysian Palm Oil (25 kg Box), Italian Margarine and German Butter;
  • a comparative overview between prices of Palm Oil (Crude CPO) and Crude Oil.
Survey date
Malaysia - Oil Palm Weekly Average Prices
Crude - CPO 25 kg Box
US$ per ton ± on prev. price € per ton ± on prev. price € per ton * ± on prev. price
Friday   27 Sep '24
1.212 +4,8% 1.087 +4,8% 1.392 +4,2%
Friday   20 Sep '24
1.157 +3,4% 1.037 +2,1% 1.336 +1,8%
Friday   13 Sep '24
1.119 +2,6% 1.016 +3,4% 1.313 +2,9%
Friday   6 Sep '24
1.091 -1,8% 983 -1,9% 1.276 -1,6%
Friday   30 Aug '24
1.111 +2,8% 1.002 +3,3% 1.297 +2,8%
Friday   23 Aug '24
1.081 +2,8% 970 +1,6% 1.262 +1,3%
Friday   16 Aug '24
1.052 +1,4% 955 +0,7% 1.245 +0,6%
Friday   9 Aug '24
1.037 -2,4% 948 -3,8% 1.237 -3,2%
Friday   2 Aug '24
1.063 +4,7% 985 +5,3% 1.278 +4,6%
Friday   26 Jul '24
1.015 -1,9% 935 -1,2% 1.223 -1,0%
Data processed by CLAL on MPOB source

NOTE: The conversion US $ / € for each quotation is calculated using the exchange rate of the previous day.

Prices are CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) Rotterdam: the seller pays for the goods, transportation to the port of destination, and marine insurance.

* CIF Rotterdam prices including: duty, transport, refining, packaging in 25 kg boxes.
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Clal recommend that if any action is considered due to information produced by the system, before any action is taken, all prices, assumptions, and other information required is checked with an appropriate person qualified to give advice.