Farm-gate milk price competitiveness
Competitiveness is a medium/long-term view and it should indicate the strengths and weaknesses of a country or industry.
This page provides with some charts that highlight the different prices in the main regions of the world:
- the first chart shows the comparison between four prices: the farm-gate milk in New Zealand (Fonterra), the weighted average price in EU-28 and EU-27, the revenues from SMP+Butter in Oceania, the revenues from WMP+Butter in Oceania; the revenues calculated from SMP+Butter on the basis of EU intervention prices;
- the second chart shows the comparison between the farm-gate milk price in Germany and Italy (Lombardy), the revenues calculated from SMP+Butter in Germany, from Edamer in Germany and on the basis of EU intervention prices;
- the third graph shows the comparison between the changes % of the latest farm-gate milk prices in EU, New Zealand and USA, in comparison with the past prices;
- the fourth graph shows the comparison between the changes % of the latest farm-gate milk prices in Italy, France and Germany, in comparison with the past prices;
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DISCLAIMER: Clal seeks to ensure that the prices calculated by this interactive price system are accurate. However, Clal shall not in any event be liable for loss, or damage, howsoever suffered directly or indirectly in relation to the information produced, and no liability will be accepted for errors or omissions.
Clal recommend that if any action is considered due to information produced by the system, before any action is taken, all prices, assumptions, and other information required is checked with an appropriate person qualified to give advice.
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Comparison between the variation of monthly average farm-gate raw milk prices in EU-27, USA and New Zealand.
Y axis calculates the price change % of the last month from the month highlighted
Position the cursor on the date of interest to see the percentage changes of the last monthly average farm-gate raw milk prices in EU-28, USA and New Zealand respect to the selected date.
Comparison between the variation of monthly average farm-gate raw milk prices in Italy, France and Germany.
Y axis calculates the price change % of the last month from the month highlighted
Position the cursor on the date of interest to see the percentage changes of the last monthly average farm-gate raw milk prices in Italy, France and Germany respect to the selected date.
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