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Trentingana cheese: 100% Sweetness


Trentingrana is a mountain cheese and its organoleptic qualities, as the special sweetness, the flavour and overall taste that make it appetising for every palate.
Trentingrana cheese is lysozime-free.


The birth of Trentingrana dates back to 1926 when a dairyman from Trentino got married with a lady from Mirandola (in the province of Modena, Emilia Romagna). He brought to the "Val di Non" (the Non Valley) the art of making Grana cheese.

The production was then extended to other cheese factories in the Valley and afterwards to the whole Trentino region. Today Trentingrana production is regulated and controlled by the Consortium CONCAST (the Trentino Social Consortium of Dairies) that handles ripening and sales of cheese.

The QUALITY of the mountain

Strict dairy regulations enforce the excellent production of the Trentingrana cheese and its specificity was acknowledged by Presidential Decree 3181-26/01/87.

Updated specifications are in force and they regulate in detail the production of milk and cheese, with a special focus on cattle breeding and animals' nutrition. It is absolutely forbidden to use and to possess any ensilaged feed. Furthermore, since 2002 only "NOT GMO" feed can be used and they have to be supplied exclusively by companies selected and certified by the Consortium.

A further acknowledgement for the rigorous maintenance of quality was obtained in 2001. The ISO 9001 certification, released by CSQA, an Italian Certification Institute, was issued for every operating sector of the Consortium: production, ripening, packaging and sale.

Survey Date
€ per Kg
Min Max ± on prev. price
December 2024
12,60 12,90 +4,94%
November 2024
12,00 12,30 0,00%
October 2024
12,00 12,30 0,00%¹
September 2024
n.q. n.q. -
August 2024
12,00 12,30 +2,53%
July 2024
11,70 12,00 +0,85%
June 2024
11,60 11,90 +1,29%¹
May 2024
n.q. n.q. -
April 2024
n.q. n.q. -
March 2024
11,45 11,75 +3,57%
n.q.: not quoted price
¹ Percentage change calculated on the previous useful survey.
* extra grade, ready for getting
Terms of payment: 60 days.
Source: Trento Chamber of Commerce
  - Monthly production of Trentingrana
- Product specification sheet


2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 8,08 9,93 9,48 10,23 10,50 10,40 11,20 n.q. - -
February 8,08 9,93 n.q. n.q. 10,50 10,40 11,20 11,20 % 0,00%
March 8,08 9,88 10,05 10,23 10,50 10,40 11,20 11,60 +3,57% +3,57%
April 8,08 9,85 10,05 n.q. 10,40 10,60 n.q. n.q. - -
May 8,08 9,85 10,05 10,13 10,40 10,70 11,20 n.q. - -
June 8,08 9,80 10,05 10,03 10,40 10,90 11,20 11,75 % +4,91%
July 8,08 9,80 10,35 10,03 10,40 10,90 11,20 11,85 +0,85% +5,80%
August 8,08 9,80 10,35 10,03 10,40 10,90 11,20 12,15 +2,53% +8,48%
September 8,08 9,58 10,35 10,03 10,40 11,20 11,20 n.q. - -
October 8,08 9,38 10,35 10,15 n.q. 11,20 11,20 12,15 % +8,48%
November 8,33 9,23 10,35 10,40 10,40 11,20 11,20 12,15 0,00% +8,48%
December 8,58 9,10 10,23 10,50 10,40 n.q. n.q. 12,75 +4,94% %
Jan - Dec 8,14 9,68 10,15 10,17 10,43 10,80 11,20 11,95
Change (1) - +18,89% +4,91% +0,22% +2,50% +3,57% +3,70% +6,70%
Fonte: CCIAA Trento
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
  min price
max price